How to start Jack in the Pulpit

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

I just got a gift of some of these seed. I know they should go in the ground now. I'm zone 7b. Can anyone give me further info. on how to prepare a planting site, depth of seed, etc?


Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Like I said in my email to you Peter, I have never planted Jack in the pulpits before either so I also would like some info.

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

So, help us somebody!

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Heh.. Add my name to the list.. also would love to get my hands on some seed.. It will give me something to do this winter.


Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

i had 3 or 4 tiny tiny little bulbs so small unreal planted them in last of may.. i was so surprised -- all came up so neat, so different looking. i liked them.. i have poor dirt they all made plants then died away.. so waiting to see if will come up next yr..

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

i got mine from trades and found some out int the woods!

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I traded seed to Peter and hemlady. I've never planted them they planted their selves !

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

ForJack in the pulpits, either plant fresh seed (never let it dry out-it goes dormant) 1/2" deep in rich, moist soil, or if you want to start it indoors, put the seed in a plastic bag with some moist sphagnum moss or paper towels in the frig. for about two months, then plant 1/4 - 1/2" deep in moist, loose soil. Some say to remove the red coating first as it contains a growth inhibitor; I've never found this necessary planting outside, but might do it for indoor starting. They are slow to germinate, so don't toss too soon. I was going to offer seed for anybody that still needed it but luckily went out in the garden and checked first, and the chipmunks have made off with all but a few seeds. I have enough for just two people; post here and then e-mail me an address.If you want, I'll throw in some Asian Jack in the pulpit, Arisaema consanguineum seed (zone 5 or higher) which is like a native Jack in the pulpit on steroids, and two seeds from the Himalayan mayapple (see pic. under the HumbleJumble thread) If you really want I can throw in some Arisaema angustatum seed, but it's pretty green, and the plant is more cute than spectacular(very small, green flower). I don't usually let the Asian jack in the pulpits go to seed; I let my favorite sikokianum go to seed with a HUGE seed head last year, and it croaked on me.

Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Hey Zone,

If you don't have enough Jack to go around, I understand.. But that Mayapple sounds intrigiuing :).

SASE? I am afraid I am pretty new, so I don't have much to trade.


Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Just E-mail me your adress and I'll send them on to you...
and that's it for my seeds... next year I'll try to beat the chipmunks to it.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

hope43, I would imagine that your Jack-in-the-pulpit did not die, just went dormant as that is what they do in summer. My clump, has disappeared, actually even the pretty red seed pod even fell over. They show up here in very late winter as soon as snow melts. I never tried to grow them from seed, but my clump has grown to 10 or 15 or more leaf stalks in the past 5 or 6 years. Donna

Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Donna - good to know that the clump expands like that!

Don, I haven't tried, but how would you remove the red coating? Just scrape with a knife? And did you mean that they should be sprouting in the frig in a couple of months, then plant out; or just to give the germinating a star tin the frig and plant even if no growth shows yet? I am probably going to use the frig, because of our squirrel and vole menace.

Thanks to all for the interest. Wish I coulda gotten Don't seed, but the computer was disagreeable for a couple of days.


Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

I'm no expert; most of my Jacks get planted by birds or chipmunks, but...
If you're just planting them in the ground, just plant as is, 1/4-1/2" deep in moist, loose soil. If you're planting in pots, put the seed in the frig. for two months in a plastic bag with some moist sphagnum or paper towels. Remove the red coating with whatever; if they are mushy, I just squeeze the seeds out with my fingers, leaving me with red fingers. If the seed coatings are firmer, a dull knife would work fine, though if the seed coatings are hard I'd just put them in the frig. as is, and remove the coating when I took them out, when it will be soft. If you remove the coating, do NOT let them dry out; they'll go dormant. They will not germinate in the frig. in my extremely limited experience. Take them out and plant in moist, loose potting soil, keep moist, and they will germinate in the pots, but it might take 4 weeks, or 4 months. Over the next few years I'll try and pass on a little seed from different Asian Jacks occasionally, though it will all be open pollinated.
Here's A. fargesii, which may be my new favorite; the leaves are shiny and make you think "Tropical". It's new but when mature it's supposed to have leaves up to 3 feet across.

Thumbnail by zonedenial
Monroe, NC(Zone 7b)

Don, I'll have to watch for your future posts.

I guess that you mean that once you take the chilled seed from the frig and plant, the pots are at room temp, not set outside?


Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)


A. heterophyllum just unfurling, with it's long proboscis sticking straight up:

Thumbnail by zonedenial
Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Don, I got your seeds today. Thanks a ton. I even got a surprise Fritillaria Pallidifloria! What a nice surprise.. Any hints on how to start those guys?



This message was edited Sep 3, 2004 8:47 PM

Iowa City, IA(Zone 5a)

Nick, plant ASAP in well-drained soil, outside or in pots inside, 1/2" deep. If not able to plant soon, keep seed in frig. until planted. It's a nice fritillary, about 18" tall:

Thumbnail by zonedenial
Mount Pleasant, MI(Zone 5b)

Thanks again Don.. I am heading to the fridge as we speak.. to put the seeds in... and maybe get a beer. heh... I will plant them tomorrow.. I will probably start them indoors.. weather is wacky outside this year.

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