Turning up the heat in the compost pile?

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

My first attempt at a compost pile cost me the majority of the summer, it just was not heating up. After reading a few articles here at DG, I realized I just did not have a good combination going there so I started all over. I'm using a garbage can with holes drilled in it. I started off with a bit of shredded newspaper, then kitchen scraps, a little bit of straw, and lastly a few plant trimmins. The trash can is 1/2 full now. I watered each layer as I added. Its been about a week and its not hot, does it take a while? Am I still lacking something or just being impatient? LOL, I'm anxious to get something going before it gets real cold.

Thanks for any info!


Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

ammonia nitrate.
works wonders

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

dang this is the organic forum....

ok, delete ammonia nitrate, and replace it with cottonseed meal.

Buffalo, NY(Zone 5a)

Stop in at any coffee house or local Starbucks and throw in some coffee grinds, you won't have to water them at all and leave the filters in (starbucks usually doesn't leave them) too. Your compost isn't too wet right, from what I've read it should be like a damp sponge, not dry , not ringing wet. Is the top of the can lockable? If so roll that can around and you should see a difference in a day or so.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Try green grass trimmings from your lawn, they have lots of nitrogen, mix it in good. Also, sprinkle a little topsoil between layers, helps to get the fungus growing.

Springboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks guys, I've got some going pointers here. I also went back through some old posts and saw something about adding a nitrogen fertilizer. So I have a few ideas brewing. Unfortunately, It's pouring outside today, so my experiments are being put on hold. I'll let you know how it turns out!



Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Jen...I'd buy a bag of alfala pellets (usually sold as horse feed). That'll really heat it up good. Mix it in by the handful as you put in each of your other ingredients. It's inexpensive, versatile for many other uses, add N, and is 'organic'.

I agree with B_Red...grass clippings will really get it going too!

Drew, cottonseed meal is too expensive for my blood, but then again, I'm a well-known self-certified cheapskate/miser! :>)

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

i'm also in cotton central, ya know?

I don't know how organic yall are, but I've found humanure works wonders too.
It's like chicken manure, but less pesticides and hormones :-)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Drew, I'll pass! (pun intended) ;>)

Willacoochee, GA(Zone 8b)

well, do you at least want one of these tomatos? their huge this year... lil funky flavor tho

*DISCLAIMER* this was humor, in no way do I advocate what was possibly advocated. In fact this disclaimer is not even a disclaimer, it is actually just a random jumble of words, or better yet is just your imagination, I never wrote this*

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