
Wellsville, UT(Zone 4a)

Does anyone use black or clear plastic for planting in? Which one works best? I am trying black, but it is really hot to work on. Thanks Bryan

Richmond Hill, GA(Zone 8b)

Bryan, clear plastic is recommended for soil solarization but I kind of gather from your comment about planting in it that you are only trying to warm up your soil a bit or prevent weeds. The plasticulture method is used many times for planting strawberries in the hill system. Black plastic is used rather than clear. We all know that weeds are the enemy of any strawberry patch. Do you want to solarize your soil, prevent weeds or warm the soil up a bit for better germination?


Wellsville, UT(Zone 4a)

I was hoping to kill the weeds and at the same time warm up the soil. I have used dewitt pro 5 with about 3 inches of wood chips on top before. I just put in a 40' X 100' black plastic. I cut holes in the plastic then planted vegies and annual statice in it without the wood chips on top.

I am having trouble with morning glory. So I am trying to kill it out by plastic or whatever means I can. Thanks! Bryan

Santa Barbara, CA


I doubt that solarization will kill morning glory (bindweed?) because the effects of solarization do not affect the major part of the root system. You need clear plastic pulled tightly over well graded and moist soil. As I recall the plastic needs to stay in place for several weeks during the hottest period.

See the thread in the Conventional forum on the same subject of controlling morning glory.

Black plastic heats up, transferring only some of the heat to the soil. Clear plastic allows all the light through and heats the soil but if vented at all will make the weeds happy in your "greenhouse cover."

New Paris, OH

To solarize you must have the plastic on for at least 8 weeks during the hottest time of the year (aka the growing season). You cannot grow plants in the area because you are attempting to heat the soil enough to kill off roots, seeds and disease.

As Marsh and Terri have already said you must use clear plastic and get the ground saturated well before putting on the plastic.

Bindweed control is best done with repeated cultivation

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