Baobab Bonsai??

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Has anyone ever tried a baobab tree seedling for bonsai?? I have several seedlings that are about 3 months old... Here's a link for those that aren't familiar with this amazing looking tree

....I don't even know where to start...HELP please!! Debra~

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Just about any tree can be turned into a Bonsai. Some don't look right because the leaves won't shrink even with careful pruning.

I can't tell from that picture- but it's leaves look kind of small.
I'd give it a shot if I were you!

Trees grow better if you give them room- so a huge pot or plant the seedlings in the ground for a few years (different times for different trees) will help you get a nice fat trunk.

You can train/trim them while they are in the ground just as you would in a pot. Just avoid pruning the roots so they can attain the proper size faster.


Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks Jocie! I'll follow your advise, but I think I'll keep the seedling in a large container to start~ I was beginning to give up on anyone sharing any advice with thanks again~ Debra~

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yeah- the Bonsai forum isnt very active. Maybe more people will start coming around- I'd hate to see it 'put in limbo'.
A pot is a good idea- easier to controll it's care.

Eugene, OR

Red, I hope this thread is not dead. How did you get Boabob seedlings? They seem like they would be naturals for bonsai, in fact they look like giant bonsais in my mind...but then I know nothing about bonsais. I'm beginning to think about trying to aquire some knowledge about it, but so far what I've gathered is be ready for the loooooooooong haul. No way to rush it.

Kirbyville, TX(Zone 8b)

Hi Chad & Crimson....I grew the Baobab from seeds... I bought the seeds on be honest they germinate fairly easy, and what a thrill to see one germinate! I know very little about bonsai, so don't feel alone. I do know I have tried, and failed, and will keep trying until I get it is a shame that this thread and forum is dead, cuz I'm sure those that have grown bonsai would have tons of experience and in formation to share...ok now where are you guys!??? LOL Debra~

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