Do I prune? And...

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I'm new to this...
Am I supossed to prune flowering bonsai plants? I just bought a serissa starter and it has faded blooms on it.

And... does anyone here trade bonsai? I have other non-bonsai stuff to trade unless anyone is interested in trading starter plants?


Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well I'm a little late in responding, lol.
Yes, you can prune the fading blooms off.

I don't have any for trade right now- but I'm starting some more mame (very tiny bonsai) soon. Remind me later this year and I'll see what I have to offer.
Would you like a Berry Bonsai? I think they are a form of hollyberry bushes- they grow wild here. Can get you a ton of nice shaped ones for shipping if you want. I believe you can only grow these outside though. When they put off berries- they are solid red with them. I have a few I'm training for my personal collection now. LMK. ;-)

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