Pretty yellow Clematis

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

This little Clematis is so dainty! I just love it! Just planted it this year.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

This is the seed head. I think it is neat too!

Thumbnail by Marcy_1
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

And this is the arbor seat that it is climbing on..along with white Dawn roses. I think it will be much prettier next year...since this is the first year for it...and the roses were moved this year also.

Thumbnail by Marcy_1

Very pretty Marcy. I've never seen a yellow clematis .. I lead such a sheltered life ... LOL. I have two clematis growing together, a pink and a purple. Just on a trellis though, but boy did that trellis get full this year! Thanks for showing us!

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

Very pretty. Is it Radar Love? And I LOVE your arbor seat. That is going to look great all covered with blooms. :~)

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Hi Pudgy...ya know...I think it! I just knew someone would ask...and I can't find the tag now..duhh! I am terrible about keeping track of names of things. I always think I am gonna do better...and then..I don't! Shame ..shame!!!

I'm the same, can rarely remember what the names are, although not usually my fault-DH has a bad habit of tossing stuff on me. I've started just leaving the nursery tag in the ground next to the plant. Don't know what my two clematis are, but they sure are pretty too. Last summer the pinker ones were more prevalent, this summer its the purple. I just love what mother nature does, always keeping us on our toes!

Thumbnail by
New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Ohhh wow Ceedub!! Those two are beautiful together!! Thanks for posting that picture!
I have other clematis pink variegated one...white..and of course..the sweet autumn clematis...I love those!! Mine are about ready to bloom.

Thanks Marcy. Clematis sure are special; they're certainly one of my favourite. The first time I saw one I was awestruck by beauty of the flowers. But without "training", they'll take over!!

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