Has anyone ever traded this?

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Has anyone here ever traded predatory mites through mail trades or SASE? I would love to find anyone who has these who is willing to trade for something. I am particularly looking for those types of predatory mites that can also feed on pollen and leaf sap. I hope to hear back from someone. I have plenty to trade.

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

That would be interesting, and I may have some, will have to look and be sure, but I think they are just loving my sunflowers. Too bad we can't trade assassins bugs, I have thousands of those...

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Assasins? Why not? I used to trade all sorts of insects. Never assasins but I know of individuals who even sent them abroad. I can see just how desired they would be in a garden. Do you know what kind of predatory mites you have Tamara? I guess if you're willing to do it, it can be done. It's just a matter of shipping these in a way that preserves them during transit. I have heard that humid sawdust in a vial or film canister with the mites works. I have bugs that I need preyed upon. Check my list and see what you like if you're interested. I have things not on my list as well. I'll try and put together a list for you if you just let me know.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

You guys would know better than me but is it dangerous to introduce a bug (my word) into an area whhere they are not naturally? Just curious.

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

In a lot of cases yes, that would be true. This however is a bug that cannot survive or spread without help from people in most cases. It's not a pest or destructive type either and requires specific environmental conditions to survive. These are the same critters being sold in many organic catalogs to any needing customer. I hope this helps.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Yes it does help. thanks! I had no idea you could order a bug!

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

They also sell ladybugs, preying mantises, nematodes and lots of other neat bugs to help control infestation of pest bugs.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Right- I knew about the lady bugs & mantis at my local store- just didn't know about the others or the mail order part!

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Hey that's a wonderful idea. I wonder if there is a bug trading club on line? I have lady bugs and assassins bugs. My population of assassins has really taken off this year. I finally stopped killing them with insecticides. I am letting nature handle the leaf chewing pest. Now I'm looking for ichneumon wasps & lacewings. Think I will buy them in the spring.


Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

I hope we can trade bugs next season. I didn't see any ladybugs though so that would be a good thing to add to my plants. I wish they didn't leave. I would love them to just hang out here at my place. Tamara and Flowerjunkie... I have to remember to come to you guys if my good bug populations need a boost in the Spring.

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)

Sounds good to me. Have a good winter..no more hurricanes.


Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

Thank God! Yes, no more hurricanes. It's getting pretty gloomy here lately with temps droping. You have a good one too Daisy.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

BugFreak ..

If I knew how to properly harvest and package up all of these Lady Bugs that have always somehow managed .. to migrate to the inside of our house - I may jes be willing to try to accommodate you.

Matter of fact, I do believe that it's usually been about this time of the year .. that I've seen them flocking and gathering on the upstairs windows . . .

Hmmmm, it's either .. possibly, still early yet .. or, perhaps my caulking around those windows in early Spring ... has finally sealed the gaps !

At any rate, if I do spyball any of the LBs - ya want me to let you know .. ?
And if so - we can go from there .. ?

- Magpye


Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

I WOULD like to know if you have any lady bugs. Just send me an email. Thanks for your post and I look forward to hearing from you. I wonder if these little guys would keep working here during the winter or if they would want to go dormant here too.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

BugFreak ..
I will most definitely keep an even closer 'look out' for them.
If they do come and flock to the windows in hopes of getting in again .. I'll try to collect and bag 'em fer ye.

Hmmm .. I guess, better yet .. what may prove more beneficial to us both .. (as a safety precaution) tho', is ...
I'll get a couply of good shots of them ... and post the pics, here .. so you (we) can determine, that they are for sure 'Lady Bugs'.

... Altho' I'm purt'near 99.9% sure they are. hee
But certainly don't want to risk baggin' and sending ya something ya DON'T want or need, pray tell !!
..... LOL .....

- Magpye

Navarre (NW FL), FL(Zone 8b)

I'm sure they're ladybugs but I'll look forward to seeing your picture. Thanks for the post.

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