Our updated pantry & litter closet

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I don't have before pictures handy, so you must just imagine what the pantry looked like. Looking straight in, it was just a plain closet. To your left are three large "steps" following the slant of the basement stairway on the other side of them. These steps also serve as access to the attic door. We've been wanting to do more with this space since we have a small kitchen. We also wanted to get our cats' litterbox out of the living room and out of the way.

Well, Saturday, Howie jumped on in and cut a piece of plywood to isolate the cat box from the rest of the closet. It spans the gap between the bottom "step" and the right wall of the closet. He also installed some shelves for me, and I now have a place for all my big pots, as well as the perfect spot to hang my skillets and pans.

I still need to get the S-hooks for the pans, and they'll hang on the edge of the bottom shelf that's made of coated wire. I also still need to finish the cat door by adding trim. I might put a little triangle over it like a portico. ;) All three cats adapted to going in there for their litter duties and now both the box and their food are inaccessible to the dogs. Hoorah, Howie!

Pictures are here: http://gardenwife.com/gallery/pantry

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