Old friends in Whitby

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I had an excellent weekend!!! I went to Whitby, a picturesque old fishing port to see the Folk Festival there. I was lucky with the weather. We had a break from all the rain. Saturday was fine, warm and sunny. Sunday, it clouded over about lunchtime, but stayed dry.

There is a folk festival on at the moment. Only had time for the weekend but no matter. I saw several concerts! The performers were first class. Mostly traditional performers, some of them source singers. The accoustics were much better than the Saltburn Festival. And I also treated myself to a lunch (fish pie) at the Magpie Cafe, Whitby's finest fish cafe.

I bumped into several old friends from Aberdeen. I lived in Aberdeen for a year when I was young (1972-73). I had a great time going to the folk club there - one of the finest in the UK. I had so many wonderful friends. Sadly I lost touch with them after I moved away.

Anyway, my friends Tam S. and Arthur W. were singing at the festival. Bumped into them last year and I'm pretty sure they didn't recognise me. 30 years older and a lot plumper! Had a natter with them again this year. Folkies are hospitable, welcoming people!

I used to know Stanley R better. He was very kind and supportive of my singing. He came round to my home one evening, with some of his family when I had a little get-together once. I remember him as a shy and sensitive young man. Stanley was at the festival this year. His voice is as distinctive as ever, instantly recognisable. I went up to speak to him after his spot. And he remembered me! Unfortunately there wasn't time to speak for long, but it was just great seeing him again after 30 years.

Here's a website that mentions him.


Sometime I'd like to go up to Aberdeen again and have an evening at the folkclub again. I know they'll give me a good welcome.

This message was edited Aug 23, 2004 6:20 AM

This message was edited Jul 21, 2005 1:33 PM

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This message was edited Dec 11, 2005 2:33 PM

This message was edited Dec 11, 2005 2:35 PM

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

How lovely to meet up with all these people from your past :)
So glad you had a pleasant weekend after all the hard work
Sounds like a very good festival. Thanks for the link - will have a look later,- just off out. We've just bought some baby chickens and ducks and need to get food/feeders etc
I look forward to trolling around that website
Did you take any photies?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

The animals sound fun!!!!

I took some photos, but I may not be posting them for a while. My computer is broken and I'll soon be finished studying at uni - so I won't be able to use their computers for much longer.

Looks like I'll have to raid my piggy bank eventually. Sigh.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh, Northerner - we can't do without your chatting!
Please find a way onto the web asap!!
Where would the european forum be without you? - it's unthinkable

Do hope you manage to find a way

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you for the compliment!!! I should still be able to post on the forums though - there is access to the Internet from the public libraries. Just no way of uploading my photos from them though. I'll also have to hope that a Garden Angel pays my subscription for me too - I think my sub will be due soon.

I'm hoping to finish my course soon. But I have no work lined up.

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