Why and when do you go to the next size container? (help!)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

#1 I have been told to go 1 size larger and want to know why not go two or three sizes larger? Can I go form a 5 gallon to a 10 gallon?
#2 When do you decide to go larger? Other than getting rootbound (I want to move before this) how do you know its time to move?

I am sure someone has covered this before but I am faily new and can't find a thread covering this subject. Thanks for any help. George aka Jester.

#1 The reasons that I would only go one size larger is that most roots need time to grow compactly, and cannot if there's too much dirt in the pot; a too big new pot will cause the plant's growth to be inhibited because all the plant's energy will be spent in growing roots to fill the pot.

#2 I decide to go to a larger pot when there are roots coming out of the drainage hole in the bottom of the pot.

Hope that helps!

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks, that helps out a lot. I never knew the reason why.

Glad I could help. Up here in the great white north, everything that can't be witnered outside has to be put into a container. So, we learn the hard way .... Happy repotting!!

Valley Village, CA

I grow Sansevieria, I repot when they grow out of the holes in the bottom,
I repot when my square pots become round and the round ones become oval
These plants break any pot they are in or the will climb up and out, tossing the soil out.

I automatically repot once a year to give the plants new soil, and check out the roots on all
my potted plants.


Very good practice Crasulady2. I wish I was that disciplined ... I normally use terra cotta pots, and have had several break on me because I've missed the "messages" the roots were sending me ... LOL. I have two sanseveria, one I just got from my MIL, and badly needs repotting - its so huge though, I don't think I've got the strength to do it. I'll have to divide it up instead, and that's likely to take a whole day, so it'll have to wait for the colder weather when I have more time. If only I could use some of my down time at work ....

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8b)

when you re-pot once a year do you go up a size or do you just change out the soil?

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