unknown eggs on maurandya

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

These weren't there yesterday. They seem to be on only one leaf and stem. Does anyone know what they are???

Thumbnail by balvenie
Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

Checked with a magnifier and the 'hairs' I saw were almost invisible catepillers or some sort of crawlers.

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

The entomologist at the County Extension Office just called to say the critters were Geometrida, the geometer moth,looper,or inchworm.

Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Well that narrows it down to several hundred species! The Geometridae is one of the largest moth families and they are collectively known as geometer moths, loopers, or inchworms!

Marysville, WA(Zone 7a)

The Ag. agent is keeping the container to grow them out and try for a positive I D

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