Eradicating the common daylily from a new garden site

Minneapolis, MN

HELP!!!! I've just relandscaped the backyard - a complete facelift with a new 'Asian' garden theme, but I am plagued by the common daylilies that previously inhabited the backyard. Of course, the bobcat work redistributed some peices that are growing up in the middle of new, and expensive plants. How can I get rid of them short of digging up every last peice of their corms that was left in the ground?

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

ktbernard, the digging up is the only thing I know but if you put this in the Daylily forum you might get a bigger responce. Those ditch lilys sure do know how to get around.
Course you just might find your answer easily here too, wont be the first or the hundredth time Im wrong. LOL

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