my reward

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

This was my reward last week for all the daylily deadheading I do each day. What a great reward!! I think it's a grey treefrog (they change color for camoflage) or a peeper (a visitor insisted). What do you think?

Thumbnail by boojum
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

ahhh geez .. you blew his cover! .. LOL ..
Nice pic, cute frog, and a beautiful lily boojum!!

Memphis, TN(Zone 7b)

He looks so comfy! Cute pic!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Boojum. Welcome to DG!

Sorry, I haven't a clue about your frog, though. Maybe Floridian will come along... she's pretty good at ID.

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Cute little frog. All we see around our land anymore are the Cuban exotics :(
I don't know much about frog IDs but here are some NE Frog links:

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

I wish we had tree frogs here......wonderful picture and gorgeous flower boojum.

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Floridian! Your links helped me to identify him as a spring peeper. Check the markings on his back.

Thumbnail by boojum
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Had a toad here once. Wish he'd come back!

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

You sound so sad!! Is it very rare to see a toad? We have lots of toads, but they hop away when it SNOWS from November to May!!! The grass is not always greener here! Hee hee. Can you tell that we are heading downhill towards winter, which I enjoy when it's here and dread this time of year (like most New Englanders)?!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Oh! What a great catch! I just love the 'Peepers' where I live, next to the backwaters of the Wisconsin River, they are the first sounds we hear when spring is on its way. (I've never managed to catch a shot of peeper, but I have several of a tiny TINY little guy we call a "Pygmy frog". They're no bigger than your thumbnail...and nearly transparent.

Again, GREAT SHOT! Thanks for sharing.


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Thanks, Julie. It's great to share something that like-minded people would enjoy. I am really having fun on DG (joined 10 days ago)! I have a few friends that I get over here to see the gardens when I'm ecstatic, but there are so many people to share with here! So thank YOU!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b) are entirely *welcome*...and BIG "Welcome to Dave's Garden" too!

I know exactly what you mean by being able to share with like-minded people. That's what I enjoy about DG...and I've only been here a couple of months. I used to be a frequent contributor on a photography site much like Dave's, but I was afraid I'd be boring them with too many "garden" and "nature" shots. ;-)

Have fun here....there's LOTS to keep us occupied (trust me!) :-D


Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Glad you were able to ID your little frog...gotta love Google!

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Welcome to DG boojum! Yeah I am sad about that toad leaving. He was here when I bought the place and I thought "well, this garden must be in good health." Never saw him again. I never use poisons either. I wonder if other Texans have them or is the climate too inhospitable (it is for me). Maybe buy some and put in some seed stock? Mmmm.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. (doin' the boojum bump here) ..

Merely, to serve .. to (hopefully) influence you, to prepare .. to shoot more of your
frogs takin' refuge in those beautiful lily blooms - with that dandy new cam'ra of yours!!
(*grinnin' big here*)

- Magpye

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Thank you. Magpye. And I'm ready to serve also. I will be on the look out. Took some great shots of my youngest grandboy (winter peepers) with the new camera yesterday that I finally like! Here's the winter peepers (geepers, creepers, where'dya get those peepers?).

Thumbnail by boojum
Churchill, Victoria, Australia(Zone 10a)

Welcome to DG boojum. I love all your peeper pictures

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)


NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahhh boojum .. now, if'n'at pic haint jes one of the absolute cutest lil yunkin-fellers !!!! .. He's adorable !!!!
Didja take the pic of him somewhat upside-down .. or, simply rotate the shot ? .. hee hee ..

And yep .. it is fer dang'd sure .. one mitey grand pitter production also!! Very nice, with excellent clarity, and fabulous detail !!

Shall I 'assume' .. that your new digital 'toy' is allowing you a wee bit more time .. to become better acquainted with her - afore considerin' ditchin' you, for her 'owner', then !?! .. ( * hee .. big ol sly grin goin' on here * )

Now, boojum, you and I both know doggone well .. that you took more than jes the one lil shot tho' .. Now, fetch and stick some more pics of that fine lil bundle of a grandson of yours .. (and others) .. in here also !

You're mentioning 'peepers' - and it immediately brought our first grandson came to mind. His nickname was 'Peeper' .. for apparently one of the same reasons. HIs big blue eyes too, would open wide .. with wonderment and fascination .. when something caught his attention!!

Caintcha jes luv them grandyunkin babies plum to pieces .. !! ..

- Magpye

Modi'in, Israel

Boojum, he's just SNUGGABLE! :-) I bet he gets kissed at least 20,000 times a day :-)


Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Ah the new camera. Well, this weekend I'm going to try to print a few more photos. My first printing was disappointing, so I stopped taking photos for a while, but when the "grandyunkin" baby came over on Wednesday, I got all fired up again. And for some reason these are the best shots so far. I'm still a bit in shock that the camera will only take 72ppi. But at least the shots look good. Especially online. Here's another.

Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by boojum
Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Lots of kisses for sure. This little guy cries whenever he's not being held, jiggled, or moved But he so great if you amuse him. Needless to say his mom is exhausted! But look out when he can self-propel!

Thumbnail by boojum
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

... How truly sweet of you to honor my 'beseechin' request of you Boojum !! .. hee ..

That lil feller is a keeper, fer sure!! ... He's one photogenic lil individual .. or, he's already a lil 'ham', one!! ((huggeroonies))

Seems to be sportin' a 'natural' ability .. fer pitchin' some mitey excellent poses .. there, for his gramps too !! (grandpaw, pawpaw, grand-dad .. oh, geez, jes try to forgive me if the 'position' is incorrectly titled and stated!) .. hee hee ..

And, once more - some masterful shots with fantastic clarity and detail revealed, using your other 'baby' !!

- Magpye

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Hi Magpye,
Hope you are not too embarassed, but I'm actually a grandma!! I of course forgive you forever.
PS I found out how to convert the prints to 300ppi but they are giant files. I'll get this to work yet!!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

.. LOL .. Uhh huhhh, yeppers - you peg'd it right Boojum - and VERY much so (imbarisk'd) .. LOL .. but can only laugh at my goofamungus self tho'!! ..

(*hee*) .. I think I jes may know why I'd assumed such tho' ... I believe it was over on your new camera thread .. the pic I saw of the grown up of the two fine fellers (the big'un & the lil'un) .. and altho' decipherin' that dandy lil grandson caused me no mind-boggle - but, apparently, I missed the 'DBF' meanings by a good mile or so!!! .. And, wellll, I hopin' .. that the rest .. is jes elementary. .. LOL ..

And .. yes ma'am .. I do .. 'thank you' ever so kindly, in yore seein' fit to .. pre-fergivin' me too !! .. LOL ..
(I'll yank the rest of my ol limp raggity self up later - when I see where it's crawled to) .. heee

Hey ! I do hope you have found a way to render your shots at a highter psi/ppi/pta .. or something to that effect! .. Naw .. now, I'm jes goofin' off ...

I'll be checkin' back in, on your theads, over the next several days .. to see whatcha come up with then!

And, Boojum .. thanks, again ... for it truly was jes a plummmb-duhh-ummmb oversight! (yikes, what a memory tho') .. lol

- Magpye

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

Boojum, absolutely darling pictures of your grandchild. Makes one want to hug and hug. Donna

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

Thanks-he's a huggy one! And I'm getting the hang of my camera-finally.

Greenville, SC(Zone 7a)

boojum, He's an absolute cutie!!

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