New bird in the world

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I saw on the news that scientists have found a new species of bird. A kind of rail I think, in Hawaii. Almost flightless. Great news! Just hope we don't kill it off.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I'm a bit cut off at the moment - no TV since moving or radio and I don't bother with the papers - always doom and gloom LOL

Thanks for a positive piece of news :D

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Thanx for good news, Northerner - Are you anywhere near where the flooding happened? Looks just awful on the news. Cars washed right out to sea.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I just found out it was the Phillipines, not Hawaii.

The flood area looks a bit of a mess. The engineers are going to look at the properties today to see if they are safe to move back into. The good news is no fatalities!!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Where was the flooding Diane?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Way down in Cornwall Philomel. Place called Bostople or something like that. What a summer we're having. Grrrrrr!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

We've had really dramatic thunderstorms here from time to time, but in between the weather's been glorious. Today's blue sky, sunshine and HOT HOT HOT!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Make that a double Grrrrrrrr!!!!!

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Well we are as far south as Nice :)

Seriously, I was listening to a long and earnest radio programme this morning where they were discussing the devastating flood situation further north and why it was so difficult to predict and what could be done about it. (In french of course, so I didn't follow completely LOL)
Last winter there were bad floods round Cahors and all the rivers around here were VERY high! It did RAIN!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I can't really say it's cold here, just overcast and damp-looking. I expect there'll be some more flash floods over here today, but not as bad as yesterday.

I hadn't realised you were so far south!

I hope to go to Whitby at the weekend to see part of the folk festival there. It's on for a whole week, but I only have time for the weekend this year. It's a very pretty place. It doesn't matter too much if the weather's poor because I'll be inside most of the time. But it's a very pretty place and look better in sunshine. I'll need to get my conclusion of my report finished though - if i haven't I won't be able to go. Written 500 words for it earlier today; really need to write another 30-500 or so today. Feel as though I'm just padding it out. Hmm.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oh, reports Hmm yes....
Good luck with that. It's often the finishing touches that take a lot of thought. On the other hand, sometimes leaving it for a day allows things to fall into place. Better to get it finished though so you can enjoy the festival with nothing on your mind :)

Yes, it's only an hour to the Pyrenees and two or so to Spain
We're on a level with the French Mediterranean coast, but further west.
The skies are just wonderful at the moment - so many different colours and the sun shining on some clouds but leaving others dark.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I won't actually be finished by the weekend Philomel. But hopefully I'll have gone through each section once. Chapters 1, 4 and 5 look fairly okay, not much work needed on them. Need to do some revison on chapters 2 and 3 though. Hopefully I can do that over Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday next week. Tidy it up and bind it on Thursday, hand it in on Friday. I've located another place where I can take it for binding if my first place is too chock-a-block.

I've written another 300 words or so, taking me to 900 today. I've like to have done more now, but that's probably enough for today.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

There comes a time when the brain won't do any more - or at least not worthwhile

It was really funny - as soon as I wrote to you about wonderful weather it clouded over and a violent wind got up! We had to rush outside and batten down the hatches (cover the pool, stack chairs etc etc) LOL
It's now eased off a bit - but what's the betting we get thunder tonight?

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

We had thunder here yesterday. Right now the sun's trying to shine. I've pretty much given up on trying to create anything more outstanding today. But I''ve done enough for today really. If I do as much tomorrow I'll have only a small section to write on Friday afternoon. I have an apointment on Friday afternoon so I won't be able to write as much on that day. I see a have a heading called "Final thoughts on the worth of the project" - not a bad way to end really. I'm not too keen on my intervening section. I'll play around with this one for an hour or so till I go home.

I found quite a pleasant website earlier today. I'll just give you the link. It's a web designer who lives on a farm. You can ignore the computing stuff and look at his farm instead.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks for the link - yes, I enjoyed poking around :)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

what a fun website link, family affair sort of thing,... only had a minute but will go back

Still haven't seen any pictures of the mud floods in Death Valley but got some awesome views of the Cornwall floods.. the magic of airwaves.

Luck on your paper, Northerner. ~Blooms

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Blooms. Not long to go now.

No fatalities in Cornwall thank goodness. We've had a mudslide in Perthshire too.


Boscastle is a very beautiful little place. I have been there several times. It's not far from Tintagel, that has (legendary) links with King Arthur and Merlin. There is a fascinating museum of Witchcraft at Boscastle that I like to visit when I'm down there. It was heartbreaking to see the deluge sweeping through the place, but such a relief that nobody was killed or bady injured.
I'll see if I can find some of the pictures I took at Boscastle and surroundings a few years ago and post some of them.


Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

That would really be interesting Terri. I believe the Museum of Witchcraft was one of the buildings affected by the flood. I'm sure there will be the will to repair it - or build a new one.

A long time since I've been in Cornwall. I had a holiday in Newqay, but I was only a schoolgirl at the time. My father got fed up of the long drive and the crowded roads. We switched to holidays in Scotland instead - the roads were much more comfortable for driving on.

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