Thornless Honeylocust

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

I'm getting ready to order Thornless Honeylocust in the new Trees and Shrubs co-op. Has anybody had any negative experiences with this tree? I'd sure like to know about now instead of later. Thanks.

Sterling, VA(Zone 6b)

Wondering the same thing myself. Searching around on the web, things looked fairly positive. It seems to have a friendly canopy that lets enough light through for other plants and grass. The "thorned" versions sure look menacing. It sounds like the tree is found natively in wet area, but tolerated drought. I wonder how significant the surface roots are.

- Brent

SC, MT(Zone 5a)

I have several of them. Now if a tree can be "Goat Hardy" it is this one.

By goat hardy I mean it was eaten to the ground twice by my daughter's goat and it was a good ten feet tall both times. I let two suckers come off the 2" high and round trunk and they are now over forty feet high and beautiful.

Fast grower, lacy canope with leaves that virtually disappear into the wind when they fall. I highly recommend them. They provide the shade for one of my hosta gardens.

One produces the long bean-like seed pods that make beautiful autumn decorations or for Thanksgiving.

If you don't get all the pods up after they fall you will have little locust trees all over the place. Some of mine are on the other side of my gardens. The seed stays viable for years laying on the ground so it must be a good one.

I let some of the babies grow and transplanted or gave them away and in two months time they can grow three to four feet given good conditions.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

A wonderful tree. Buy one, you won't be disappointed.

Pocola, OK(Zone 7a)

Thank you for the input. I couldn't find anything negative on them so I went ahead and ordered some in the last Tree and Shrub coop.

When dh and I lived in Missouri, we noticed a tree along the side of the road with these long curly pods and loved it. But we could never figure out what tree it was. Now we know and that's one reason why we wanted to try them. I'm glad to know that we need to keep the pods off the ground.

Also, dh says the wood is great for making bows (as in bow and arrows, a hobby of his) and for lumber, so if we decide we don't like it for any reason, we can alway use it for something else.

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