cutting grass

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Does anyone here know the best times to cut grass in a meadow (some of it under orchard trees) to encourage the spring flowering orchids and also the butterflies that are there please?

I've looked in a couple of places and seen conflicting views :(
I'd be really grateful :)

Any chance you could borrow some grazing livestock for a shor ttime over Autumn/Winter Philomel?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

The area I need to manage is not fenced - it's part of the garden with unrestricted access to the lanes
In the remaining fields we have 3 ponies and, at the moment, 6 borrowed heifers (complete with cow bell :)

On the unfenced bit I think we could cut the grass and save the hay for the animals - just need to know the optimum times to keep the orchids and butterflies thriving....

Have the orchids set seed yet (which species BTW)?

Personally I'd go by what the plants in the meadows tell you, if they have all set and dispersed seed then I'd cut not long after that. The spring is the tricky part to my mind, may take a few observational trips to see if anything is emerging, the Serapias and Dactylorhizas here don't show their leaves until mid March/April time.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, the seed is set on the orchids, but I'm not sure about all the caterpillar food plants.

i think perhaps I''ll try a cut now and then one late autumn.
A shame the orchid people here didn't get back to me :(
In the General forum, trois suggests a cut once the seed is set and then mowing regularly for the rest of the year.

The orchids here are Serapias lingua and S cordigera (in photo). There are also bee orchids in the grass by the side of the drive, but I've cut that as the seed was set.

Thumbnail by philomel

If you mow now you will definitely have to recut, grassland in W. europe has a 2nd flush during the autumn rains (pointless to cut for livestock, no goodness left in it after grass has seeded)

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Should I leave it til later anyway then do you think?

I would but it's up to you. Even if you get it a bit wrong, they'll forgive you for a little while

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Thanks :)

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