need expert opinion.....

Crossville, TN

Here is a picture of a (what we refer to in this area) Buffalo Gourd. Note the leaf shape. It grows abundantly here in the valley (4500').

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Crossville, TN

As I gain altitude (5000') I find this one we call Coyote Melon.....Now, what are the correct names for these two gourds??? Note leaves on this one.

Thanks for your help. Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)


I am no help at all, we are at 3700', and though I can't GET to the wild gourds, I remember what they look like. Similar to the first one, on leaf anyhow. But I have never looked into the actual names. Someone who sent me some gourd seeds (which I have extra of) said she'd get me a list of 23 common gourds, so maybe that will be of help soon.

Meanwhile, I am about to upgrade to a new computer, and get a new digital camera, so maybe then I can take and post pics.

Previously, I wasnt really into gourds, but DG has taught me a lot, so I will be growing them next year for decor and seed to share.

Keep in touch, (i.e. you can email me)

Crossville, TN

Thanks, TamaraFaye. I am going to call my Extension Service and see what they say. Do you need any gourd seeds?...I have a few varieties. Jo

Hi Roadrunner,i'm no expert,but i do think the Buffalo gourd is Cucurbita foetidissima,and the Coyote Gourd is Cucurbita digitata.

Crossville, TN

OK....(I wonder what that meant? LOL) I have a call into our Arizona Extension Service. I saw a posting on the PDB that showed a Coyote Melon...and it had the leaves just like the Buffalo Gourds...just trying to get this right in my mind...what's left of it. I think I ran off and left most of it in my travels! LOL Thanks for the post...Jo

Here is a link i found that may be of help to you.

Edited to add.I see what you mean now.My mind is asleep,lol.

This message was edited Aug 16, 2004 7:58 PM

Crossville, TN

Bitty...THAT IS IT! The difference between the two....and that web site is from The Sonora-Arizona Desert favorite place to go see. Thanks!! Jo

Yipee,hey,that desert museum looks like a good place to visit.I'm going back to that site and have a look around.Always out to learn something new.

Crossville, TN

It is WONDERFUL....I have been going there for dfyears...can
t wait for a "tourist" to come visit so I can go there again....Every thing in it is alive and native to the Sonora Desert of Mexico and Arizona. Come on out and let's go see it. Jo

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

I am there JO, lol. Wish I could come. Meanwhile, I will let you know about the seeds. Right now my time online is very limited, I am transferring infoo to a new system, which isn't online yet. Talk to you again soon...

Hey Jo,just now getting back around to this post.I would love to visit.We could make chocolate you anywhere near the Gila River Indian Reservation?I have a friend who is with the Maricopa Tribe.
I met her at a trade show in Oklahoma years ago.She came to visit me a few years back and now she is begging for me to come see her.Hubby and i hope to do some traveling next year,including her reservation area.She has sent me some beautiful Maricopa pottery,Pima baskets and Katsina dolls.She has started collecting heirloom vegetables for me from all the different tribes in Arizona.

Anyway,i would like to visit the Desert Museum.Keeping my fingers crossed.

Edited for spelling,not enough coffee this morning!

This message was edited Aug 23, 2004 9:01 AM

Crossville, TN

Tamarafaye....I hope you can come out soem time...and Bitty...yep! Chocolate Gravey!! We aren't close to Gila River Indian Reservation....but on the way to CA I stopped in one of their gift shops. . I'm coming through Arkansas soon and wish you were closer to I-40. Jo

Fritch, TX(Zone 6b)

We are 30 minutes from I-40. I could give you a tour of Amarillo, lived there for 9 years. Let us know when you are coming through, I can meet you somewhere and give you some of my wild gourds from last year...

East Prairie, MO(Zone 7a)

Hey Jo if I come to visit again will you not run off and leave me like you did the last time we visited the desert Museum.


Crossville, TN

Sami...I sure do promise! I can't RUN anywhere...but how did we know that you would go out another exit....besides I don't smoke anymore so don't have to go ahead of you to light up! LOL Jo

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