
St Peters Village, PA(Zone 6a)

I just ordered from all things iris and they have an extensive listing of spurias. They are really neat, I have not planted these before. Anyone have any comments. Zone 6PA

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

There's an iris grower close by here and he's shown me his garden - quite a few spurias. I can ask him a question if you want to know something in particular.

St Peters Village, PA(Zone 6a)

kooger, thanks for your interest. Does he grow bearded also? I just wondered how everyone felt about growing them. Difficulty, disease prone, that kind of stuff. I will do some research before I buy any quantity.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Sorry, I forgot to 'watch' this thread. He grows many kinds of irises - over 600 cultivars. When I visited him in June, he showed me the spurias, I'd never heard of them, and they are definitely later blooming that the TB. I'm heading that way to see my niece at college tomorrow so if I get a chance I'll stop in. If not, he gave me his email address so I'll just ask him that way. ok?

Shelburne Falls, MA(Zone 5a)

I've have a spuria in a pot for years because I always lost them over the winter in zone 5. The foliage always comes back but they have never bloomed for me. I'd love to find out anything about fertilizing, etc. from anyone who knows. (I would probably die of shock if I found out what it looks like!)

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