Golden retriever and his man

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

When I have lunch in the uni cafe I frequently see a young man with a golden retriever. They're my favourite breed of dog!!!! The dog generally stays very close to him, at his heel. It frequently carries its lead in its mouth. I stopped to pat the dog the other day. It's a big sloppy thing!!!!! The young man said his name was "Charm". It crossed my mind that this pleasant young man might be disabled, though it looked like he was coping just fine.
I had my last appointment with my counsellor, Pamela, this afternoon. In the hallway near her office were several people on their computers. Charm lay stretched out on the floor, looking very sleepy. At a computer was the young man. Enormous letters, four inches high, on the computer.


Many years ago I used to have a Golden Retriever. They are so trainable and a joy to have around. I would have liked another one after he died but it's my 'thing' never to own the same breed of dog twice. I've had some lovely dogs since 'Max' but never one who could retrieve quite like him. I could mark a stone, let him sniff it and throw it into a wheat field and he would bring that very same stone back to me within a couple of minutes. He was a wonderful dog.
I love the name 'Charm' for a retriever, says it all really.


Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

I am very happy DG is using larger letters, I am blind in one eye and the other is on its way. I have macular degeneration, the dry type, nothing can be done about it. I wonder if I will need a dog like charm one of these days?

Reading has always been my favorite past time but after I read only one paragraph everything gets very foggy, I have to stop. When I am paying bills I need a magnifying glass, I can't make out the difference between 5, 6 and 9, I either pay too much or not enough, LOL.

Great to hear from you, Terry and Northener, you do keep this forum alive with new threads, Thanks, Maria

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm sorry to hear that Maria. I know that macular degeneration is extremely serious.

I also have poor vision. My right eye isn't too bad but I have glaucoma and it has affected my left eye very badly - I've lost some vision from it.

Is Dave's Garden all right for you? I know it's possible to alter the browser setting to make web pages larger. Is that sufficient for you? I'm not sure whether Dave has given any facility to make the text larger.

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

I am cross with myself. Just finished writing to you, Northener, and forgot to send it!

As I was saying before I lost my posting, the larger print is just perfect, as a matter of fact, the light from within the computer the computer helps a lot for me to see better, as where regular lighs and ordinary printing make it hard for me to read, even with glasses.

On top of everthing I have a bad case of stigmatism but my new glasses have helped to almost eliminate it.

Take good care of yourself, keep on writing, I love to read what ever you have to say, whether it is happy or sad.



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