Zinnias are blooming

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

My zinnias from Wildseed Farms are gorgeous this year. Thought someone might enjoy them too. Jenny

Thumbnail by sh1025
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

They are gorgeous! Be sure to save seeds, we'll all want them. Lou

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Lou, I'll save you some for sure. How is the clero... doing? Did it ever recover. My plants from you are doing great. Jenny

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

It is small and won't bloom this year. Was wondering if I can overwinter it indoors??? Any help or advice is appreciated. Lou

East Barre, VT(Zone 4a)

Boy they are gorgeous. I didn't plant any zinnias this year until mid July. Just never got around to it. They are my favorite annual. I guess I'll just have to enjoy yours! Thanks for posting the picture.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Lou, I'm not sure if they will overwinter. I always let mine die back and then in the late spring they come back. Go ahead and try it and if it doesn't make it I will send you more. I don't think those I got in the trade will have time to bloom either but they will come back don't you think. They are about 18 inches tall now and leafing out. Maybe they will bloom if we don't have an early winter.

Thanks leisurlee glad you are enjoying them. This has been the best year for zinnias in that spot. That is where I have wildflowers but after they all bloomed and it began to look brown I went in and pulled them up and just sowed the zinnias. Haven't really done much of anything else. I've had to water a little here lately because we haven't had rain since it rained the whole month of June and ruined so many of my plants (roses were just waterlogged). Got all our rain for the summer in one month. Thought it would rain yesterday but we were caught in a gap and it just moved over us. Oh well. I'll just water I guess. Jenny

Lakemont, GA(Zone 8a)

Will my zinnias reseed themselves? Will they come back next year if I just snip off the dried flower heads and put them on the ground where I want them??

These were my late Granny's fave flower. She and most other southern ladies of her generation called them 'Old Maids'. The kind she grew were so very tall, or maybe seemed that way b/c I was a little kid- LOL!!!. I wish I knew what kind they were.

thanks for any help!!!!

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

Mine come back, but because I plant other annuals there in rotation I always just save or buy more seed so I will know for sure that they will be there. In another part of my yard I have zinnias that just popped up. I'm sure the wind blew a few seeds last winter to that area. If I were you I'd save the seeds and then plant them in late spring. These were planted in June since I had early blooming wildflowers there (pink evening primrose, Indian paintbrush, bluebonnets, and others. When those died back and I was sure they had reseeded, I pulled them up and sowed the zinnias.

Bow, NH(Zone 5a)

I have been wondering when to get the seeds off the zinnias? I have not had them before so I'm not sure.

Woodville, TX(Zone 8a)

braz911, I wait till the flower heads are brown and dry. Usually I just buy new seed each year since you can't be sure what pollinated what in the flower bed. But I do spread the flower heads around so some do come back. Jenny

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