"Vine Peach" seeds

Franklin Grove, IL(Zone 5a)

The Burgess web site is offering a Packet of Vine Peach Seeds with an order. I have never heard of this plant and they do not offer the Latin name. The picture looks vaguely like a lemon and the description they offer is " The vine peach is the same size, color and has the same food value as the tree peach. These are big, handsome fruit. They make wonderful pies and preserves. Let them ripen on the vine and you will find they have a flavor and texture that is much like the mango. This native American fruit is quite easy to grow. It grows on fast spreading vines and matures in about 80 days". Does anyone know what these are?

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm not sure of the latin name, but it's a member of the melon family, I think a small musk melon.


(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

Cucumis Melo Var "Chito"
they have a ton of common names. I tried some from seed I bought off ebay. They were doing great in the greenhouse during the winter, but promptly died when I planted them out in the garden this Spring.
I think I'll try them, again, but pretty discouraging, nonetheless...
here is a link:

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