I just bought an orchid tree and have no idea of what to expect as in growth rate etc. Any advice would be appreciated.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

I think these guys typically grow pretty fast, especially in the ground. I have a Bauhinia galpinii that I put in the ground early summer '03 at about 2 feet tall. Now - slightly over a year later and after being cut back to about 2 and a half feet over winter - it is about 7 feet tall and blooming like crazy!


Thanks Carter. The one I have right now is about 6' tall and I am still trying to figure out where to plant it. Does it let any light through the crown? Mine seem to be quite sparse and would like to plant under it as well. Well one way or another, it's going in this weekend so am excited about finally getting it settled.

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Mine doesn't have a very dense crown, and none of the pics I've seen show them to have a dense crown. If you plant under it, I think you'd be fine for full sun stuff while it's small, but when it gets larger, you'll just have to wait and see. Probably part sun stuff would be best.


Well, I couldn't wait until the weekend and popped it in last night. Inspected this morning before heading out to work and it looks fine, so far. I just have to watch the bugs, slugs and other flying demons that have been creating havoc in my garden lately. It is the rainy season, so I just have to thnk of a plan of attack. Thanks for the info.

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