Thoughts on voluntary work

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I've been thinking of things to do in the autumn if I haven't got work. There's a couple of part-time courses I may be interested in. I could do with being a voluntary classroom assistant in a school. There's an adult education community centre that uses volunteers. And here's another one that uses volunteers to teach IT. It's called the Hope Foundation.

What do you think, hmm?

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

This can often be a really good way to get a toe on the employment ladder. I know many people - myself included - who have ended up doing work they enjoyed by starting this way.

It shouldn't be necessary in an ideal world, but in practise it is often the way things happen...

Choose something you'll really enjoy - then your good points will shine :D

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

If I can get opportunities in the areas I've already outlined it will probably be enough. I want to get practice in teaching environments. I may have to consider getting a place on a teaching course in a year's time, so I want activities that will impress interviewers next spring/summer.

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

Will you be taking any classes in the fall at the Uni? Would this helping out at the Hope foundation be a full time thing or would you really be better off getting something that would at least pay you a bit for expenses?

Rehoboth, MA(Zone 5a)

Back in the 70's, I was a volunteer for several orginations
Especially pertaining to our School system where my children were students. One Day a friend asked me if I was interested to work with foreign students at a local University. I said I would try. It turned out to being hired as an advisor and to actually earn money. It was great, I traveled to many countries Universities, London School of Economics was one of them, and, of course, many in this country. Washington, DC was exciting since I was invited to a few Embassies including the Rose Garden at the White House. Everything was about the importance to have Foreign Students and Faculty to enjoy their stay in the US.

So you see, Northerner, sometimes it could turn out to be advantageous to volunteer. Maria

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'll probably want to do voluntary work just a couple of times a week. And leave myself enought time to do another short part-time course. I had a talk with my GP earlier this morning while I was having my blood pressure checked - it's improving - whee!!!! And I told him I wanted to do a spot of voluntary work. He was very approving - he said employers like to see that.

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