Not zactly 'stop action', but near nuff ..

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Thought these two images .. would help relay somewhat of an idea .. of the hummers range of wing 'motion' ...

.. Pic #1 ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

hummers range of wing 'motion' ... Pic #2 ...

Thumbnail by Magpye
Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

AWESOME photos!

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Do you remember what shutter speed you were using and did you have macro on too as well as zoom? I want to reproduce that if I can get the guy to ever be in enough light!

Merced, CA(Zone 9a)

Nothing in the world like these little guys. Thanks ever so much for sharing the photos!!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Thanx so much guys ...
So sorry, Mont for such a long delay in getting back to you .. I had my Fuji on full AUTO .. Auto Flash enabled also. Did use my Macro setting, with the maxed Optical zoom .. Didn't/can't access digital zoom (like this) .. for it over-rides the 'auto' focus capabilties while using Macro .. .

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

I was reading about the new Fuji's. I know what you mean about taking away things. I would like the lower ISO. Changing the ccd may mean that it doesn't really work (super ccd) anyway. Have you noticed better pics by using the 6mgpxl setting? I haven't. I talk about getting the Oly C8080, but I wouldn't get rid of my S5000, it's great, I always recommend it to everybody.This is from monday in the Sierra Nevadas.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

monterey, does that (wild)flower have a name? At what elevation in the Sierra was that plant?

Oh these digital cameras! So/too many choices!

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

BEAUTIFUL pic there monterey .. !! ...

Geez, I'd be plannin' to hold on to my Fuji till I was able to squeeze the very last 'snap' out
of her!! .. Or, I knew beyond ANY shadow of a doubt, and undeniably - that I'd already seized 'in hand' .. her replacement!! She's a gem!!!

The S7000 .. would've been my ideal 'replacement' digital .. but Fuji opted for such nonsense - it's just really truly disappointing. If they'd have, at least, just left the 10X optical intact ! Geez ...

One can just follow along and trace most any other models (of most electronics, for that matter) - and they all do the same doggone thing! Improve this, but drop or decrease the wonderful 'thats' .. that they had!!! .. lol .. Just won't leave well enuff, alone ...

This message was edited Aug 11, 2004 2:37 PM

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

The S7000 always had the 6x only. The size of the area the light hits is the same reason that the 8's have lower zooms. It is hard to get a big zoom the higher the mgpxls. That's why the Sony's lens is so big and heavy. Check out the review of the S7000 in the digital camera products review (note the high ISO min)

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

I had stated in the previous post - that my S602 had 10x optical zoom. It didn't!! At any rate, your post prompted me to go take a look at the pics I'd had of my Fuji S602 .. and, so 'thanks' is in order here!

With that corrected .. I guess I've been speaking more in reference to the S7000 being considered the 'replacement' for the previous S602 model. It too, had the 6X optical zoom also, but it seems that Fuji opted to remove the Hot Shoe feature of the S602! Seems it's always tit-for-tat ... Just a good thing, that I wasn't totally hooked on using the additional flash! The higher optical zoom is what drew me to go with the S5000, and stickin' with Fuji .. was a no-brainer for me.

Seems, the feature of the S5000 shooting movies with audio, has gone by the way-side. But, that .. was another feature that I, personally, had come to love, and .. required. I'd long gotten addicted to that capability, way back with my Sony floppy driven digitals! Only a bit more expanded now .. depending strictly upon the size of the xD card one has!! It's ideal for those little shortees .. ie: to catch the expressions on our g.childrens faces, like at Christmas, Birthdays, etc.!! Have also shot a virtual ton of shortees of the critters that we've had come up near the house; from chipmunks to turkeys and wild hogs! The only drawback here, is the incapacity to send the shortees via internet .. It even bogs our DSL down! I share those dittys, by burning multiple CDs .. and mailing them out ... hee

I've long known about the Fujis 'effective' megapixel resolution .. but quite frankly, have always (parden the pun) focused on using the lowest setting, think it's labeled as 1 mp! The folks that have been making such wonderful comments about our pics with the Fuji S5000 .. may be a bit stunned to know that they've been viewing Magpyes pics .. that were shot at the lowest setting on my Fuji, and 'no' retouches, of any type! Always wanted to aim toward the greater # of pics achievable on my memory media. Yep, old habits die hard .. and, that one came about, again.. from the use of the floppy driven digitals! Talk about frugality .. lol lol ..

If you're comtemplating moving from your S5000 to the S5100 .. maybe oughta re-consider? It's just my take on it, but, from the info provided at the Fuji website ... seems to me, that one may would be stepping down in processing quality .. you know ?

Guess it may be over due and high time .. to shoot and post a few of the higher resolution shots, 'ey? I've never cared for 'braggert' sorts .. and have certainly never cared to indulge myself in none of it either. Just simply never considered it a positive redeeming quality in folks .. lol

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

I think your shorting yourself by not taking 3mg shots and maybe editing once in a while. Stiffling your abilites under the cover of saying you shouldn't add or subtract cheats us as well as yourself. You have an ability that can't be learned , bought. or even have a person teach you. Why learn the piano, to play one song?Go for it, show us more! You have the photograher's eye. This is something that in a room full of people you will be the only person to see the picture, that once in a lifetime picture for other people,but not for you. Plants grow or wither away, it's really an easy choice.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Hi again mont ..
Some very kind words of praise and sentiment from you monterey ... Most sweet of you.

I do understand, and agree fully .. with what you're stating tho' ..

Those .. of family, special friends, and some critter and butterfly shots .. I do use the higher resolution for. In particular, for printing! The very special shots I've uploaded to Fuji for pro printing .. or to the local Fuji kiosk when I find myself in town!

Still .. enhancing or cropping happens very very seldom. To me .. it just says a lot about the particular camera, when 'I' feel it's not needed, and am most happy with the results.

You know, you've got some mighty fine pics here .. but seems like, you oughta be presenting far more to the rest of us, for viewing ... Especially after reading about your photog history eslewhere. Sports, was it ? ...

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

I have 219 images in the database. I just started running out of things to shoot. I started shooting hummers about 10 or 11 days ago. It's new to me and with the guy I have here a very short window of time . That's why I also take dragonfly shots, even the moon! By the way how big is your xd card?

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahh, a nice 'moon' .. mont .. heehee .. Seriously!! ..

I went immediately and got myself a 256 MB xd card, and have yet to fill it up ... but then, I've only been
shooting the lowest resolutions ... Hee, I've yet to 'run' out of willing (& unwilling) subjects!! .. lol

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Remember that you can download and clean it. If you worried about copies make extra cds. You have enough space for324 pics on that card at 3 mags. I took this tonight, tomorrow clean card.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

This is 1/800 of a sec. Need 1/1000 I think for total stop!

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Pretty nice tho!

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

This is almost there.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

There are very few flowers remaining in the yard right now .. but while out trying to shoot more flutterbyes yesterday .. a hummer female made her way over from the feeders!
I got so excited, couldn't hardly 'find' her with my camera. Finally, I fired off a couply more shots ... and just happened to get lucky ...

.. Pic #1 .. a bit blurry tho' ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

And just happened to get lucky ... Pic #2 ...

Just a couple of random (hope so) shots .. and I somehow managed to get her in the picture after all!!
But, dang-gum! She 'almost' flew out of the pic!!!! ... Whew! .. Hee ..

Thumbnail by Magpye
Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

monterey, is your new salvia in the ground or in its container?

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Container, all my stuff is. Magpye I hope the trend I am having toward these guys getting closer and seeing them all day instead of just early morning contiues. It makes it so much easier to not have to zoom out fully. I have that same deal where my camera can't find the focus, we forget our brains work faster then our cameras.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ahh heck yeah, they'll continue to hang around and at all sorts of different times of the day .. least for the Ruby Throateds' .. for a spell longer anyway! I say this, but in all sincerity .. I've yet to find a 'time of the day' that I've not seen them at the feeders!! And of late .. they're very frisky and frenzied.

During the times that our gardens/flowers are in full swing/bloom - it's not uncommon for the #'s to taper off a bit - for the hummers DO like it .. au'nat'ur'al (hee)!! When the flowers are spent, and the bloom growth begins to taper - the hummers will definitely seek out and flock to, rather 'hog' .. the feeders we provide for them! It's certainly the case here where we are. Currently, the only flowers that still have any 'bloom' left to them, are the Garden Phlox and the Zinnias! Still a few wildflowers bloomin' in some places ... Over the last few days or so, the glass quart feeders are having to be re-filled daily! Even hubby is pitchin' in .. to keep 'em amply supplied on the 'go juice' !!!! .. LOL ..

Incidentally, the hummers also have interest in the blossoms elsewhere, besides our 'conventional' flowers, etc., in our beds. For I've heard and seen the hummers in our veggie gardens zoomin' about the various bean and tomatoe blossoms !! Thought it most enlightening .. I guess, for I'd just never thought about it before ! .. hee

In those last two pics I've posted - the hummer showed up out of no where! I'd long been going out to the zinnias, where I've seen them frequenting .. to try to get a few shots off - but they'd never come while I was there or about. So, when this one came (apparently determining that I imposed no threat) .. just caught me, completely 'off guard'! I was excited and thrilled beyond belief ... that one of 'em showed up in the flowers while I was moving about the way I was .. that gave me the shock! I'd already been and was still turning and twisting about, trying to shoot the flutterbyes, when she appeared in my lens! All of my activity phased her none at all. Went on about the business at hand, while I was trying regain my composure ... and shoot this lil gem with wings. I really hadn't expected that I'd even acquired a 'half-decent' shot in any of the pics ..

Small wonders they are, and even smaller wonders that I managed to 'snag' her just in the nick of time !! May not be for anyone else, but it's sure been a mighty wonderful thrill for me! hee hee

My youngest daughter that was here this weekend .. even got to complainin' about my hummers! (the lil heifer - Hee!) She got me told to be sure to rush her to the ER, should we look and find a hummer beak impelled thru her ear drum !!! .. I could do absolutely nuffin' but simply collapsed in my rocker just crackin' up laughin' !! .. and she did too, after she thought about it ...

Hang in nar mont ..

This message was edited Aug 16, 2004 2:28 PM

Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

What are flutter bees ? I have a passiflora victoria and they(carpenter bees) are on it morning to night. This one is on P. Lavender Lady.

Thumbnail by RichSwanner
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Nice pics .. that last one there, in particular! .. 'flutterbyes' are 'ButterFlies' .. with a re-arrangement of the letters B & FL .. Just a sweet & simple little kid-like twist !! .. hee hee ...

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