Japanese maple/seeds and seedlings??

vernon, BC(Zone 6a)

I have a Japenese Maple approx 12 years old(bloodgood or trompenberg?)it is 10 feet tall, and for the last 3 years has produced 1000's of seeds none of my others produce any,last year I noticed I had some seedlings growing in the soil beneath the tree,I dug them up and potted them,none survived.This year I have approx 30 new seedlings doing very well and getting large,I think i'll leave them for another year before I try to transplant them.Now here's my question ,am I doing the right thing? Can someone help me out with the care of these babies????

Thumbnail by daryl
Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Is it in full sun? Someone sent me a start from the momma. I have it in semi-shade, growing well, believe it is the bloodgood. If you do try to transplant any, suggest you try them in semi-shade, more or less protected and watered, until they take hold. It is a pretty one!

vernon, BC(Zone 6a)

Thanks Hibiscus,The tree is in full sun,but the babies are in part sun,Thanks for your advise, do you think I should leave the little ones for one more year before I transplant???

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Maybe you could try one or two, keep them more or less protected. Now, is not the best time of the year to move things, air is too dry, should be better end of this month or into next, still give them a chance to get settled and sending out more roots. If you have moist air/cool, where you are, anytime is good. I received mine this spring, just as they came up. Doing well. Good luck.

vernon, BC(Zone 6a)

Thanks Hibiscus for your help.

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

You are more than welcome, hope they grow for you. I love mine!

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