White Bugs/covering on Palm -What is it?

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

This palm (which I plan to identify soon, but I'm thinking it's a Cycad, hasn't really done well since we moved in. Mostly shade might have something to do with it, but I think it's most likely these bug things that I just noticed. They're ALL over!

On the leaves they look like they might be.. sacs, on the stems they look like thin white bugs.. well, you'll see with the picture.

What are they and how do I get rid of it? The ferns around it or any of the other plants don't seem to be bothered by it.

Thumbnail by Scarlete
Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Looks like Mealy bug infestation.
Do a search for for Mealy bugs or mealies in this forum and you'll see many threads about them.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Will do, thank you! They're most ickie.

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

this one was the most helpful,


Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Actually.. I just did a bit more research and I only wish it was the mealy bug, instead it's some asian cycad scale. :/


Seems fairly common around here. :( I'll probably have to get rid of it.


Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Could very well be, you can see them first hand so you are the better judge on that.
Maybe try Marathon or Bayer Tree and Shrub insecticide both of which contain the systemic Imadacloprid. (Pricy but very effective).

Tampa, FL(Zone 9b)

Yeah, here's a better close up. Seems to be a major problem around here. :( All the leaves/stems were affected and the base of the plant seemed a bit rotton. I cut off all stems and I'll see if there is new growth later, if not, I'll dig up.

Thanks though! I've also heard flea and tick spray is supposed to work. (we're discussing it in another forum as well.)

Thumbnail by Scarlete

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