Dying tree

Advance, NC

I have 2 trees growing in front of my house that have beautiful blooms in the spring. I am not the original owner of the house and am guessing these trees were planted when it was built about 13 years ago. I am told they are Yoshino Cherry but am not certain if this is correct. I think they are some specie of cherry judging by the blooms.

The 2 trees are next to each other and one appears to be healthy and the other appears to be dying slowly. The first dying section was in the center and the leaves on it turned yellow then brown a few months ago and I removed it. The trunk is divided about 2 ft above ground surface into three main limbs of which the center was one. The smaller limbs on one of the 2 remaining main limbs have leaves either beginning to turn or have an unhealthy appearance. The other main limb appears healthy at the moment.

Diseased limbs show small areas where a dark liquid seems to be oozing out which then hardens to a consistency somewhat like a tar substance.

Can anyone help me identify the problem and how it should be treated or does it appear to be too late? Should I remove the entire tree immediately to protect the neighboring one?

Thumbnail by edwnc
Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

Sounds like a bacterial infection: http://idid.essortment.com/cherriesbacteri_rjcz.htm

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