z7 , full sun , moderate rain fall , "unique"

Victoria, TX(Zone 9b)

I've got a large side yard, and except for the fence, and my weeping pussy willow tree shoots, it's pretty bare. The pussy willow tree got smacked to the ground in a heavy thunderstorm about a month ago. It's not giving in, as there are about 7 shoots up from the roots, so it'll be back to a tree in no time.

What I'm wondering, is what sort of tree I ought to look for this fall. That part of the yard is full full FULL sun. Good drainage, clay soil, and good rainfall (if this weather keeps on like we've been having, it'll get hammered with 2" or more, then go about 3-4 days dry, and get hit hard again).

I don't want a "usual, normal" tree. I want something that'll make an impact, get the neighborhood's attention. I already have a red maple, crepe myrtles , and the pussy willow. I've got an oak growing from seed in a pot, but it's nowhere near ready to see ground yet, but will spend at least another year or two in a pot in the shade, being spoiled. I also don't want insane height. Shade-producing isn't incredibly important, either.

Looking for suggestions,
Thanks, -Jennifer

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

You didn't say what time of year you want this tree to knock 'em dead, so I'm guessing you want one that has appeal year-round, so here are a few of my personal favorites:

Sourwood (Oxydendron arboreum) is a pretty tree, with summer blooms and gorgeous fall color. It also has the benefit of being a native ;o) Here's a good picture of a fairly young specimen starting to color up for fall: http://www.plantbuzz.com/Trees/small/Oxydendrum_arboreum_sept_color7.jpg

Paperbark Cherry (Prunus serrulata) is another one grown for year-round interest (the bark is gorgeous): http://www.bucknur.com/acatalog/product_29843.html

Grancy Graybeard (Chionanthus virginicus) has the kind of scent that makes you go in search of the source when it blooms each spring. http://www.floridata.com/ref/c/chionan.cfm It's not a terribly large tree, but there is a smaller species also available

Sambucus nigra 'Black Beauty' is another interesting small tree/shrub: http://davesgarden.com/fp.php?pid=409339

I was going to send you a link to Noble Plants (Dr. Mike Dirr's website), but unfortunately, it's currently offline (hope it's temporary as the site suggests, but Google is no longer picking it up, which doesn't bode well.) He's got some very interesting picks for favorites.

Hope these help, and happy hunting!

This message was edited Aug 2, 2004 9:07 AM

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