Nigella Seed Pods

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

When do you harvest the Seed Pods?

If you want to save seed, do you have to wait until they dry completely on the plant?

I'd like to cut some of them and bring them inside, will the seed continue to ripen if I do that?

Brewster, NY(Zone 6b)

HI - No answer, just the same question. As beautiful as the pods are, and as small as they seem in amongst other plants in my garden, it sure wold be nice to be able to bring them in & still have seed. Anyone know?

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Still no answer, but it appears if you want to dry the seed pods, you have to pick them when they are still green and fresh looking.

Don't know if we can have it both ways ........... decorative pods and seeds for saving.

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Leave them to turn brown on the plants and little holes will open in the tops. Then you can pour the seeds right out.

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