Chocolate Pudding Tree

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I have a Chocolate Pudding Tree (Diospyros digyna) and I really need some help with it.

I have it in a large pot (perlite and peat) indoors in a sunny window at room temp. It won't do ANYTHING! I tried moving it outdoors but it rebelled and lost some leaves. The end of the branches turned black and the leaves grew back. The leaves are so big but branches and trunk never get bigger so they really weigh the branches down.

It acts the same way if I water it. It doesn't seem to like any water at all. I've only watered it a few times this year b/c it protested so much.

Some one please tell me what kind of soil I should repot in? Can I feed it and with what solution? Anything anyone can tell me about this plant will help alot!

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