North Port, FL(Zone 9a)

hi everyone,

i love hummers and was wondering if anyone had suggestions on how to attract hummers here in florida....

i have a few bright colored flowers such as the dessert rose, i know they like flowers with trumpet like openings, but know of any other way of attracting them....

any help would be great....


Commerce, GA(Zone 8a)

Cindy, I want to know how to atract the hummers too. I have all kinds of flowers blooming, my hummer feeders are out, but so far I haven't seen a one! When I lived in NE. Ga, all I did was hang a feeder one or two days in an area with pine trees,then move feeders to the overhang on the back porch.Sometime there would be so many at one time they would be fighting over the feeders! Sure miss the little guys. Maybe it's just too hot here?

North Port, FL(Zone 9a)

i looked in my bird book and they have a florida hummer here...

i have to find my how to attract birds to your backyard book, which is still packed somewhere in the garage......sure takes along time to unpak......


Citrus Heights, CA(Zone 9b)

Give all your blooming flowers bloom buster. You will have hummers within 7 to 10 days if there are any around.

Crestview, FL(Zone 7b)

Hello fellow Floridians... if you feed them they will come. I find that the hummers that visit my garden will feed in the buttefly garden first hitting on all the red and purple salvias/sages and bottlebrush bush.. from there they head over to the feeder for another drink.. it is a constant all day long.. garden/feeder... garden/feeder... Plant red blooming plants to attract them... place the feeder somewhere by or hanging in a tree where they can zoom off to when they feel threatened. You will probably be seeing many more of the ruby throats in September/October when they start their migration back south so be prepared.

North Port, FL(Zone 9a)

thanks MzM.....

can't wait to see these little guys

Zephyrhills, FL

My hummingbird/butterfly garden has been in the ground almost one year now. I have several feeders but have yet to see one hummer. It's not a waste though, because the butterflies are awesome and keeping my flowers blooming and growing has been a continual challenge. I live on a conservation lot with a pond and woods in the back. The rain runoff for our yard and the neighbor's yard seems to run right through my garden. I ended up raising it a bit and that helped. This fall I am going to take the whole garden apart and raise the whole thing another foot or so. I think that will take care of the exess water that seems to be drowning my plants. I'll put a sign in the garden "Hummers Welcome" :) Maybe that will get the little guys to come visit me!

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