Wildlife Haven Project

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

Hi all. I'm new to Dave's Garden; just joined a few days ago. I live in Citrus County, FL, zone 9a. My property is high & dry, with lots of shade (lol...doesn't sound like Florida, does it?) ok...lots & lots of humidity, too... ;p

I've always enjoyed gardening, but the last few years have been too busy to do much but 'look' at the yard once in a while. Finally, though, I'm beginning to find the time to 'get back into it'.

I'm a total animal lover, and want to make my landscape as 'wildlife friendly' as possible. I could sit and watch the birds, squirrels, butterflies, lizards, toads, tree frogs, skinks, gopher tortoises, snakes, draonflies, spiders and other assorted 'crawly things' for hours. Some of the special guests to our yard have been red-tailed hawks, red fox, eastern cottontail rabbits, a pair of Summer Tanagers, Rufous-sided Towhees, and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

Cabbage Palm, Saw Palmetto, Coontie, Slash Pines, various, numerous oaks, Prickly Pear Cactus, and American Beautyberry are just a few of the natives in my landscape. I've added Redbud Trees, Dogwoods, Mimosa, Wild Cherry, Bottlebrush, hibiscus, Justicia, Sago Palm, Allamanda, Cleome, and others that I just can't think of right now.

I'm looking to add plants that are low maintenance (as all of mine have proven by their survival through the last few years of neglect, with the exception of the newcomers Allamanda & Cleome), as well as those that are attractive to hummingbirds & butterflies. Also, want to add those that would provide berries for other birds. I'm interested in colorful, flowering, shade-tolerant plants to landscape around an upcoming pond (kit, not natural - so the plants won't actually be benefitting from the water).

Any suggestions as to what plants have worked for you in similar circumstances would be appreciated. Also, any contributions to my garden of seeds, cuttings or small plants would also be greatly appreciated. I'd be happy to pay for any postage incurred, and as soon as I have anything to share, would be more than happy to do so!

I've added myself to the current Canna Co-op...just could not pass up that much color for such a small price!!

Looking forward to sharing & exchanging ideas, thoughts, info, pics, plants & seeds with all of you in the future.

Citrus County, FL

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi and Welcome Beth!
You will want to visit Wildlife forum (if you haven't already) and drop by "the Welcome Mat" [forum] and introduce yourself there!

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

Hiya 'Spin', and thanks for the Welcome!

Thanks, too, for the suggestion on the Wildlife & Welcome Mat forums...definitely need to do that...if I can just find the time in between reading & replying to seed & plant trades!!


So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Welcome Beth!

Your project sounds like fun. I assume you have seen this site? http://www.nwf.org/backyardwildlifehabitat/

Homosassa, FL(Zone 9a)

Thanks, Darius, and no, I hadn't seen that site...but I'm going there now!!

lol...I have the site opened in another window...WOW...I'm hooked...it looks awesome!


This message was edited Jul 30, 2004 11:10 AM

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