Small bites out of the tomatoes!

Marshfield, MA(Zone 6b)

Help! After waiting an eternity for the tomatoes to ripen in a chilly New England summer (unusually cool) we finally saw three red ones low on a vine....each one of them had 2 or 3 bites about a half inch in diameter taken out of sign of a ground hog and the deer certainly didn't do it...could it be chipmunks or squirrels????

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Could you have slugs? We usually don't have them but with the wet cooler summers a smaller variety hatches out in my yard. They have done the same damage to my tomatoes.

Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

My daughter had the same thing happen to her container grown tomatoes. The tomatoes grew with no problems, and just as they reached full ripe each one had a small hole-like bite taken out of it, in the SAME PLACE, on the top of each tomatoe! Since the conainers were sitting on a concrete patio, we figured it was a bird with good aim and a long memory. LOL

Marshfield, MA(Zone 6b)

It COULD be slugs actually as we have a lot of them in the lettuce this year which is unusual, but it has been strangely cool this summer! I prefer the bird explanation but I bet it's the slugs.....for the bird problem I would think some kind of netting cover would work....the slugs are another story! Thanks for the ideas.....

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

I have a spot in a community and voles have taken bites out of my maters. Maybe you have voles..


Celaya, Mexico(Zone 10a)

Also caught squirrels doing the tomato tasting exercise so the above guess may be right.


Marshfield, MA(Zone 6b)

Oh dear, we do have voles and lots of squirrels around and the bites are getting BIGGER! Only when the tomato is ripe....tried sluggo in case it was the slugs but since the bites continue and are larger I now suspect that Paul or Milan may be on to something....I've never seen the squirrels in the garden but it makes sense and the voles are really thick this year...does anyone know how to protect against voles????!!!

Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)


Fort Pierce, FL(Zone 10a)

Two mini-Dachshunds! LOL

Juneau, AK(Zone 5a)

Here are a couple of photos of what is happening to some of my tomatos. I think that it could possibly be slugs but I really have only seen one or two slugs. I did not see and bugs or slugs in the holes. Any ideas anyone? It is on both green and ripe tomatoes.

Thumbnail by alaska_rick
Juneau, AK(Zone 5a)

Here is the same tomato with one slice through the hole. Big_Red on the Tomatoes forum suggested slugs. Has anyone seen this look to slug bites? Thanks.

This message was edited Aug 14, 2004 12:32 AM

Thumbnail by alaska_rick
Allen Park, MI(Zone 6a)

My guess it's a small animal, vole,gopher,mouse etc.


Bridgman, MI(Zone 5a)

A golden retreiver.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

When I found the damage on mine I was very unsure too. But when I started weeding and lifting the plants and the bricks that surrounded them I found the slugs. Later on, when the plants were loaded, I discovered those that were touching the ground had slugs that had moved right in. :(

Juneau, AK(Zone 5a)

Thank you Lilypon,

I will proceed to attack those critters.


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