Lauer's Iris

hiram, GA(Zone 7b)

I just got my order in from Lauer's Iris. I did their "grab Bag" special #8. Here is what I got. It was a total of $38 including postage, and they sent me $90 worth, of their choice from their catalog of medians. Mom and I are going to do it again, and send in $60 to get $150 worth of iris, and if we hold out on delivery until end of September, then since we are just beginning, they will send a lot of the less expensive ones to get us started. I'm really excited about this first lot, especially since I only had 4 named ones.

"It's so Fine"
"Apricot Tangerine Icing"
"Berry Magic"
"Blue Jean Lady"
"Bowl of Cherries"
"Butter on Ice"
"Fire Down Below"
"Fresh Baked"
"I Feel Free"
"Jump Start"
"Peppered Blue Bell"
"Walk This Way"

All roots spotless, and leaves green, great packing! Very Happy. I'd do this for a group but you don't know what they will send, so the only way to divide would be to let each person pick one, in the order they signed up until they were all evenly divided? That's what mom, sister and I are doing. I'd limit it to 10 folks of course if I did it, any interest?

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