Butterfly Poem

Northwest, MO(Zone 5a)

The following is a poem my husband wrote just yesterday after comming in from a morning run. He sent this to all my nieces and nephews. You see...my mother just passed away 2 months ago after a 3 month battle with a malignant brain tumor.

I had a visit today from your grandmother. As I was coming in on a run this morning on the gravel road west of our place, amidst the quiet and solitude of the country, a monarch butterfly came just over my shoulder and flew directly in front of me. I reached out thinking it was a bee or wasp and touched the swallow tail of the little thing, and it flew out in front of me for a moment then drifted off back to the pasture. I instantly felt this was your Grandma appearing as she said she would be everywhere. I felt like writing about this for some reason and so have attached the poem I wrote just now.

The Butterfly

I had a visit today
From someone far away
She did not speak
And could not stay.

It was in the morning sun
As I was completing my short run
She surprised me a little
With the brief visit which was soon done.

Silently she spoke to me
Just brushing my shoulder then to flee
Startled I reached out and touched her
But she was aflight and free.

She only stopped to wish me well
And I feel for others to tell
Letting us know she is still there
And is only gone for just a spell.

July 2004

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Thank you.

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