
Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

I have a beautifull Mandevilla on my Patio, it is loaded with blooms and vines on anything, will it continue to bloom if I bring it in the house?

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

Mine didn't, it even died through the winter. Think it got spidermites. Had it in a room with regualr house heat, lots of windows, etc. The one I have now is Cherries Jubilee, beautiful pink, been in constant bloom for months.

Pickens, SC(Zone 7a)

I was able to bring mine indoors during winter for 10 years. I would cut back most of the vine and let the soil get quite dry during Jan-Feb. then slowly start to water again.

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

We just planted a Mandevilla last week. Are they especially sensitive to sun? The plant's leaves have turned brown. The buds have died. However it shows new growth. We thought that we should have just left it in the planter until Fall. What do you think? Chuck and Loida

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

CBernard the Mandevilla loves full sun...however it has to be acclimatized to it. I start mine off in partial shade and slowly introduce it to the sun.

Kareoke I've had mine bloom all winter when placed in a window with full sun. I watered it every second day. I've also let them go dormant but I found if watering was missed, just once, when new growth started again the plant died.

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you Lilypon. Chuck and Loida

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks to all the responses, I was told I should plant it in the garden, so I have, and it is doing great, now my concern is will it survive the winter, or should I bring it in?

OC, CA & Twin Lakes , IA(Zone 4b)

In Iowa, I will definitely be potting it up and bringing it in.

This is with a Clematis called "Multiblue"

Thumbnail by TwinLakesChef

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