May I Share My Containers?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

My newest obsession is sedums and succulents. I know I know there is a forum for that, but I love these things and just wanted to show them off.

These are recent purchases from We've had so much rain lately, I thought I better keep them and enjoy them in the house for a while.

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I really did go crazy on that website. Don has such wonderful plants

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

And another

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Now, this one, except for the hoya, are cuttings I received as a welcome gift from our very own Crasulady. They have grown a lot and I have shared some cuttings just last week with some of our friends here at DG.

Thumbnail by MollyMc
So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Wonderful, Molly!

I've sorta gotten interested in sedums and succulents myself lately, but haven't a CLUE what I have, LOL. Maybe I should post mine in that forum.

BTW, LOVE that you have yours labelled so you know what you have!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thanks Darius. Tags, yeah, the blue jays nor I have tampered with them yet, they are still new, give us a chance........... LOL

Post some pics of your plants. Happenstance or Crassulady usually have answers, and hey, maybe me? Not. But I'm learning new stuff everyday, remembering them now.....


Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wonderful Molly!! Jeanette

Kingston, OK(Zone 7a)

Very nice containers and they display your succulents very well. Ted

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

oooo, ooo, Molly! I love them!

After your move, lets do some trades. We got good succulent too.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Thank you all,

Daisy, sure thing, 9/1 is my move in date. Keep in touch.


Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Your snail mail addy may change but nothing will change here. : )

Cedar Springs, MI(Zone 5b)

Molly I love sempervivums too and have purchased from Squaw Mountain.
Go check out my post in the cactus-succulent forum. ;)
Do you grow them in your house???

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I have had them growing in my house because we had so much rain in July then I found I had to move and now hurricane Frances, I have as many plants as I can haul inside now.

But they were looking a bit poorly inside. Once I find a dry spot for them outside after the storm, I'm sure they will be much happier.

I will go look at the C & S forum for your thread.


Olympia, WA(Zone 7b)

Hey, thanks for the post! I have a lot of houseplants, but haven't found my outside green thumb yet. I started with a sedum/succulent container, and my next step is to branch out in outdoor container gardening (hence I'm visiting this forum). Thanks for the link to where you purchased these-- I'm going to try planting a patch outside. And now I'm feeling motivated to get some more containers going!

Thumbnail by danak
Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Molly...So *this* is where you hang out! Neat Containers...Great succulents!
Hope all is well for you and yours right now...

Scotia, CA(Zone 9b)

What a great assortment! The planter with the turtle climbing up is adoreable!

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

molly have you seen a verigated sedum through parks? it is very nice with pink blooms. I ordered it from parks country catalog. I dont have a pic.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Cricket...I ordered one too! Isn't it gorgeous?!! I wonder how long it will take to grow our bareroot starters to the point they look like the photo in the catalog.


Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

JuIie, should take about 2-3 years for it bush out nicely like the catalog.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


I have some variagated sedum I got from Squaw Mountain. It had pink flowers too. Just a cute little thing. I also got some more in trade and have them planted out front now. Seem to be doing well, just small.


Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Boy, you can tell I've been out in the yard on not on the DG forums much this past week or so.

Cricket...thanks for that info. I always like to know how closely I can plant something, even temporarily, to a new start.

The cuttings I got from Wanda are rooted and putting up some flower buds! Hey really *know* what you're doing with these sedums! Not a single one of them croaked on me. THANK YOU!


Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Molly, thanks so much for the website link! I just looked through their sedum and houseleek sections. Many of the sedum do well here. I'll have to save the link for next spring... thanks again!

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