
Central, KY(Zone 6b)

I just read your advise regarding stink bugs from 2001 and
I've just discovered several stink bugs on my tomatoes :(

Does this still work for you or have you come up with a better concoction?? Is the Safer you're referring to just the "Safer Insecticidal Soap" or something else. Are you using the spray or a concentrate? Also, have you ever added a foliar feed of any sort to the mix?

I am so glad this site keeps the old threads and that it has the search function.

Sorry I had to bother you with "extra" questions : )

Happy Gardening

This message was edited Jul 22, 2004 5:28 AM

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)


Got your email...thanks!

I buy Safer's soap...I guess it's considered a concentrate cus you dilute it down to so many tbs per gallons of water. (If they make a spray, ready-mixed, I'm not aware of it and would probably not buy it...too much versatility by buying the real thing...and it will not go bad should you feel like you are "buying too much".)

I still use the same recipe given in the afore-mentioned thread...spray the plants with water, lure out the stinkers, then zap them with Safer's/alcohol.

I've not added a foliar feed to the mix. I tend to aim this weapon directly at the bugs, not the plants (this is a contact spray and I doubt would have very little residual power. However, if you'd like to add something for "plant power" I'd recommend water-soluble kelp. Mainly cus if the plants are under attack they may be stressed. Kelp is a great reducer of stress, whether that stress is caused by bugs or temperature extremes and would very easily be a great treat and treatment to the plants. (I'm very happy having kelp as our garden friend!)

Remember also...get them stink bugs first chance you get! Check the leaves, both tops and bottoms, for their eggs. (Each female can lay 50-100 easily.) Rub them off, or pull the leaf off and dispose of elsewhere. Getting rid of the eggs is a plus!

Hope this helps! Thanks for hollering!

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Thanks for your info - I've just "let them be" in the past but since I've not veggie gardened in a couple of seasons (the flower obsession took over) and only planted 5 plants this year, THEY CANT HAVE ANY!!! :)

I've been meaning to try the Kelp for my roses - this will just be another reason to go on and buy it.

Thanks again,

P.S. Wonder if this would work on my butterfly bushes, the stinkies are on it too!

This message was edited Jul 22, 2004 10:27 PM

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I'm sure it would. But look closely...some bugs only look like stink bugs but really aren't. The ones on your butterfly bushes might be spined Soldier bugs. They tend to really eat up caterpillars and grubs. (The spined soldier bugs have pointy "needles"/spined on their shoulders...they are the good guys.)

Central, KY(Zone 6b)

Good Morning :)

These look like the grayish/green ones that are on the tomatoes and I've also seen them on one of my roses. It looks like on the rose they are doing something (sucking juice?) to the stem right under the bud and it makes the stem bend over to one side. I'll look closer at the ones on the bf bush, the last time I watered it with alfalfa tea, they came running up from the base of the plant - yuck!

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