June 11, 2001

(Zone 5a)

Hey folks, I think I got the date correct this time :~) Woke up EARLY this AM which is good cause much to do. Haven't been posting recently, have barely had time to read the posts usually catch up every other day or so. Busy busy! So much to do this time of year yet I feel I get nothing accomplished so make myself stay off the threads and just read them when I can. Have to head out to the feed store in a few minutes, completely out of corn and boy are the hogs mad at me! They'll be breakfast and dinner soon enough :-p Everything going well here, my nephews birthday party was Saturday at a local pool but first we had to go out to dinner with SIL for her B-day and pick up their (another nephew) 1 yr old so they could have the evening out. The baby enjoyed the pool but water was a little cool for him, he couldn't stay in long. We love having him, I never want to take him home, wish I could hurry and get preggers myself! Oh well. Better get to work, after the feed store have some batch cooking and freezing to finish and mowing to do. Have a wonderful day. JML, hope it stops raining for you soon. Lana

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