Please help me identify these

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I have Gourds and i am at a loss as to what kind they are, please help me indentify them. thanks bunches~~

white pear gourd~~~~~~~

This message was edited Jul 27, 2004 9:30 PM

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

2. martin house maybe?

This message was edited Jul 20, 2004 6:14 PM

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)


Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

bushel basket~~~~

This message was edited Jul 27, 2004 9:30 PM

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

I am pretty sure this is Luffa but please verify for me

Thumbnail by springsong
Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

found name ~~~~dipper

This message was edited Jul 27, 2004 9:29 PM

Thumbnail by springsong
Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Number two is called either a birdhouse or bottle gourd-depends who you ask. :) The last one (and number 4) is usually called a dipper or spoon gourd. Is that one of the mini ones or is it a big one? Is the plant next to it in #4 a big pokeweed?? I think you are right on the luffa.

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

yes, it is a poke weed we have them every where here. When i was young, my parents, father being from missouri, used to cook the small plants like turnips and eat it.Have you ever heard of this? We must of been very poor and hungry at the time LOL

This message was edited Jul 21, 2004 5:33 PM

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I concur with Badseed's IDs. Number one might be a White Pear, but the neck is a little short. They vary a bit that way, but it might have some White Egg in its background. Number 2 will be difficult without a look at the leaves

Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Yes Pokeberry makes an excellent boiled green. Have to parboil it, then cook it but is is delicious. Still a favorite in this are of Georgia- Carolina. I supply several people so it stays cut back pretty well around here.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

RE: the Poke weed ... Got a question for ya.

The wild plant that you guys are calling poke weed - - Is this just another name for the Poke Salad plant ? Are (they) one in the same .. or two completely different things?

I'm asking only because I remember my momma and daddy referring to picking the leaves off of Poke SALAD plants and cooking them down just like mustard or turnip greens, and sometimes with them for that matter .. but avoiding the hard main trunk and stringy stems.

Vaguely remember something about being sure to harvest the leaves before the plant went to flowering and seeding. Just not sure if the leaves simply got bitter, or a more serious nature .. such as being 'poison' -?- ...

Sure curious about this. Any one have any further info, would be much appreciated!

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

Yes it is the same . and it would be posionous, I was told. you had to cook them for a long time. I never liked it much myself but i was made to eat it, now i love turnips, but poke salad was bitter to me, my mother said not to eat it raw but I am not sure if it is truely poisionous raw or not.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

It's contains oxalic acid and possibly other toxins when raw. Even the young shoots need to be boiled, drained, then boiled and drained again to reduce the toxicity.

Crossville, TN

OK Here is an expert on POKE weed. At 5 years old my cousing and I were digging in my Mother's flower was after the frost and no flowers around. Well...we found these things we thought were a type of white radish....long story short...we ate a wee bit...they were very bland...went in the house for came...POISONED...2 little girls that can't stand the taste of coffee to this may have been because that is one of the things they poured down us to counteract the poison. The Doctor said an ounce of the roots were fatal to a child. Thank God I LOVE salt!

The greens had to be picked when they first came up...after they matured they were not very good.

Brundidge, AL(Zone 8b)

scary!!! i tell my kids don't eat anything in the yard!!!!!!!! they will try anything that looks etible, whew

Gordonville, TX(Zone 7b)

Ah but, the mocking birds here love the berries!

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