Show us your yard!! PART 2

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Mini Farms are great! LOL

Lake Toxaway, NC(Zone 7a)

Starzz, the delphinium is beautiful. How much shade can they take?

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Rutholive..thank you..I would love to have you for a Walk through. all means..if you are coming this way ..e-mail me..and I will give you the "tour"

Woodspirit...this Delph gets quite a bit of is in a garden where the apple trees have been cut down in that row. I only have three delphs..and they are all in this bed.

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

It will be fall at least - family reunion is next week in SK - will be meeting lilypon!! :)

Panhandle, FL(Zone 8a)

kooger, lucky you! I would love to meet lilypon and you too!

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh great! Have fun..

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

I do feel very fortunate to be meeting lilypon and seeing all my siblings - my mom's funeral in Dec. 2000 was the last time I've seen some of them!

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I just took some shots of the front of the house gardens..
I spend so much time in the back I sometimes forget to take pics in the front.
The far garden hides the well. There used to be old spruce there so when I had it cut down last year I made this garden.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Front window garden....

Thumbnail by Starzz
Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

that's very pretty, Carol

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks Kooger

Lenexa, KS(Zone 6a)

Very nice, Carol.....such a neat, inviting front yard!! Lovely

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Starrz, Is that a basket chair swing I see over by the well garden? It all looks so inviting.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

A work in progress ........

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

I love it !

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

One of my little Garden Guardians "LambChop" (as in Sherry Lewis's puppet )

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

'nother one ('-')

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Devil's Claw

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Another great flush of photos to greet me today. These yards are so neat!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Scooterbug, next spring watch out for the many seedlings the Devil's Claw will have spread around your gardens. Not to worry, the ones you don't want come up easily. Send us photos of the claw heads when they appear.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Sure will, they are just little green thingies right now

I also have a big clump of Clary Sage not to far from the DC. In the morning when the sun first hits the dew , an unbelievable earthy aroma permeates the whole garden. They both off scent when brushed in passing , too

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I tried growing clary sage from seed and ended up pitching it. To me, it smells like body odor or cat pee -- or both, LOL.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

scooterbug, Great yard, lovely photos. Your Buddleia is certainly happy and healthy. My clump of Clary Sage is just finishing bloom. To me when I rub against the scent is almost too much. But I do like the blooms. Your brugs look happy too. Donna

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

OMG Kim ! A cat with BO >^,,^< too funny

Thanks Donna, I do it all myself so it does take time. Looking forward to not having to do so much heavy work next year. I hope !
Grass popping up all over because of the record rains we have had this year. Guess I could go get some Eliminator (tm) if it gets much more out of hand. Hate using chemicals but when ya gotta , ya gotta .

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Guys- your yards are just beautiful!

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

You all (*and* your yards) are simply MAH-VAH-LOUS! the photo of your front window...what kind of tree is that on the right side of the house? Fascinating! (Oh, and I saw the swing too. :-D I'm coming right over to SIT in it!)

Now, if you want to see a yard "in progress" you should see MINE! ;-)

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks to all...your comments make me smile. It really is nice to hear from other gardeners who really know what a pleasure it is to see a garden grow.

Julie..that is a weeping mulberry tree. Some people let the branches grow right to the ground.
and mine will do that too if I let it.

Blooms..yes that is a basket swivels and swings a little too. It was a gift from my son and DIL. I looked at your lovely garden I found myself naming off some the plants you have growing. It looks very lush and full. Must be a real treat to wander along your path checking on their progress.

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

Starzz...a "weeping Mulberry?" I love Mulberry trees/bushes! But I've never seen a weeping form. Mulberries grow very well here in my area, so I'll have to look for source.

Thanks for the info.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Julie I have a weeping mulberry too - believe it or not it came from Walmart!! (shouldof seen the guys face when I told him to stuff it in my car...over the heads of the three kids) It truly is a gorgeous tree! I am trying to get cuttings from it- trying softwood now, hardwood over the winter. I'll post if it works. Please don't go pay lots for one - this thing grows like crazy and I'm sure I'll get it to root somehow.

Back to that plant staked up in the Lambchop pic a BRUG??? The one with the HUGE leaves - checked your soil for radioactive waste lately??? What are you people feeding these things???? Or is it a diff. variety - I just have common ones like Frosty and Ch.G. (don't you think that's a shame....? Have I mentioned how much I like your garden...? ;))

Scooter I find hay works well to keep down the grassy weeds - but you gotta use lots. Still have to resort to Roundup for the bermuda though.

And what is Devil's Claw? Sounds ominous.

Here's my weeping mulberry - ignore the pitiful plantings....

Thumbnail by delphiniumdiva
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Starzz, Thank Ye Ma'am :-P

DD, *STEROIDS* No, just kidding. I just try to stay as organic as possible. The seedling is Bert x Whiskers by Susie.

info on Devil's Claw ........** be very afraid ** LOL

I only use my alfalfa hay as mulch when the growing season is over . I would get run over with pill bugs and ear wigs otherwise :'(
*good grief..cant spell*

This message was edited Jul 24, 2004 7:22 PM

Muscoda, WI(Zone 4b)

D.D. That weeping Mulberry is gorgeous! I can just about imagine the loading guy at Walmart. LOL That must have been a sight to behold...poor kids. :-D And I'm going to keep my fingers crossed for you getting those cuttings rooted. If it works, be sure to keep my name first in line for any extras. ;-)


Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Sweet lil Ruby Garfield _Resident Garden Guardian Angel.
...........Don't tell her tho, she believes she is the 'Tiger In The Jungle'

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

Scooter bug!! Please tell us your secret to keeping grass and weeds out of your garden

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Ya Kiddin' me?
Take a closer look at the bright green patch lower left-ish between the rock and the Lambs Ear.

OK ........ OK ............. I'm letting that just grow for contrast ......... LOL !

When I feel ambitous I lay down 4 or five sheets of newspaper or sometimes feed sacks . Then cover with a THICK layer of grass or hay or leaves , what ever I can lay my hands on. This is real good to do in the fall , if ya can wait , so all the worm families can have time to move in and dine on the paper.

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Good thing about that method is ya can do a spot at a time.

Also most of my plants are larger with B I G leaves and they shade the ground pretty good so weeds don't grow as easily.

Tulsa, OK

Here is one view of my backyard! Taken about six weeks ago!

Thumbnail by deda1
Tulsa, OK

Another view of my backyard.

This message was edited Jul 28, 2004 1:47 AM

Thumbnail by deda1
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Pretty! I like the kitty birdhouse - looks like our cat Higgins.

Mysore, India(Zone 10a)

Thanks for sharing all those wonderful views. Since I don't have pix in the system, I try to give a link here: Hope the link works. 8 pix are there.

Lamar, AR(Zone 7a)

oooh okay Scooterbug. After I sold my horses, I had a bale of hay left over. I thought to myself HEY! I can use this for mulch *GRIN GRIN* But I hadn't thought of laying newspaper down first.

Do you chop up the hay or leaves before you place it in the garden? I thought about getting a bagger for my lawnmower and alternating something like newspaper, grass clippings and hay.

I'm sick of buying expensive mulch. At 3.75 for 3 cu.ft it really puts a strain on my pocketbook. 3 cu feet doesn't cover much.. *sniff sniff* :-(

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