Show us your yard!! PART 2

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Don't know about you all, but with 230 posts, the original thread at takes a long time to load, even on broadband. So...Welcome to thread 2! :)

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you GW! LOL

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

What would us inepts do without GW shepherding us? Thanks, GW. it was taking a while. 'Course I'll still be going back to refresh my memory on what idea to steal from who :-))

This message was edited Jul 19, 2004 1:33 PM

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Can I play??
I just went throught the other thread,WOW!

This is the side of the front.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

This is looking inside the drive.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Youhave a very lush tropical look there, Root!
Great job! I like your stone work too.
and the touch of whimsy..."The Hole in the wall."

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

I want to play too..I have been drooling over all the photos on the other thread..
Thanks Gardenwife..I have dial-up..and it was taking a long time to load

This is the "Nook Garden" at the back of the Secret Garden

This message was edited Jul 19, 2004 8:06 PM

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

This is the "Statue Garden"
You can't see the statues from this angle..but there is one in each section.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Here is a close-up of one of them

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

This is the centrepiece of the Secret Garden..
The "Hidden gazebo"

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

These signs are at the end of the "Daylily walk"

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

This is the "Green Room"

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

and here is the "Daylily Walk" which is the entrance to the Secret Garden.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

Sweet Starrz,I love it,I need to work on more statues.

Guess this is my greenroom.

Thumbnail by rootdoctor
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh..I forgot about the "Hosta Garden"

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

You've got me laughing again Root!

I love your tropical plants..up here in Canada we don;t have so many tropical plants..and the ones we do have have to come inside for the winter.

I do have an EE in the "Pond Garden"

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Your new deck looks like you could see your reflection in it..beautiful!..

Harrisville, MI(Zone 5b)

LOL! Now your killin me,I love Lupines and it gets to hot here for them,I do bring most of my tropicals in for winter,and the deck is just wet,we are hot here,ao I was giving the babies a drink.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Wow, love these pictures! Starzz, the windows you have placed around your "rooms" are wonderful. I really need to do that on our side of "the gap-toothed old lady", our neighbor's ugly, decrepit fence. I want to get some shutters for the larger gaps. ;)

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

These Lupins were given to me by a friend last year after they had bloomed..but this year they put on a great show.

The same friend gave me a purple one this year after it had It will be nice to see it next year.

Do you have a room to keep your "babies" under lights?

I just went out and took a lot of photos ..good time when it is dusk..but boy were the mosquitoes ever biting!

Here is a shot taken on June 9 when they were in full bloom.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Man those lupines are dear. We are trying to grow them here- but all I get are spindly little hardly blooming weeds. Sigh- lol.

Beautiful yards guys!

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

crims, I don't think they like our heat. I can get a delph to bloom here but not a lupine.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Gardenwife..I found those windows at yard sales.
I like to go to see what "stuff" I can find for the garden.
They add a fun touch to the "rooms" under the apple trees.
I've seen an old window with shutters hung on an old fence at a friend of mine.

Crimson and Blooms,...I didn't realize that Lupines didn't like the heat. See what a lot we can all learn on DG.

They bloom in early June here when it isn't too hot.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

WOW we had that many posts on that thread? Didn't realize it had gotten so long!

About time you jumped in Root! Love the front yard! (stealing your look...) Gonna go tropical big time out there. Even gonna plant me a CANNA!

Starzz its all gorgeous - definitely making mental notes - gotta come back and look some more. What are the pink lilies in that close up with the statue???

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

I just posted to our local Freecycle group asking for old shutters, any condition, as long as they'll hang.

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

Blooms & Crims, I gathered my lupine seeds the last weekend in April. These are the wild ones here. Surely they would bloom for ya'll in March/April. Do ya'll want some of this type? Email me if you do. Have plenty to share : )

Coshocton, OH(Zone 6a)

root- love your garden; wish i could grow tropicals.

starzz - love your garden, also. i am going have to start looking for windows to add to my garden.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks delphiniumdiva..
Those blooms are a large Delphinium called Cherry Blossom, that had fallen over.
No wonder it caught your eye. This is a photo of them earlier on.

Thumbnail by Starzz
Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Gardenwife..great idea to ask them..

Marlatt..thanks..just keep your eyes open when there are yard never know when an old window will be discarded.

McKinney, TX(Zone 8a)

Starzz, I love your yard and gardens, they are so whimsical. Oh, and I just love the arbor and gazebo. They fit in so beautifully.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Thanks Sweezel,
I have been working on turning an old stand of apple trees
into my Secret Garden for 6 years now..I am obsessed by it..LOL

Long Beach, CA(Zone 10b)

obsession good

Gardenwife,is it the little old-lady next door with gap teeth or is it her fence that has gaps.Are you sure it's not David Letterman?:)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Well, she and her hubby are in their 80's, so it's possible both them and their fence are gap-toothed! ;) But it's the fence I'm talking about. What an eyesore, and it looks like it's ours.

Gardenwife,What about planting some tall cannas along the fence-this should fill in those gaps & hide the whole fence on your side.
eyes has a great co-op on cannas going on now.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Too shady -- plus the gaps are not only on the lower portion of the privacy fence, but the 6' upper section, too. We hope to smoothtalk the homeowners into tearing it down or -- if we can come up with the money -- splitting the cost of a new fence on the property line.

I hope everything will work out ok for you.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Starzz and Root, your landscaping ideas never cease to amaze me! Every time I see pics of your "secret gardens", I just want to go dig and start over.

Newcastle, ON(Zone 5a)

Oh thank you..I think you are the "Queen of whimsy"
Creating a tropical island in unique.


Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Starzz, I would love to stroll your yard, it is so wonderfully laid out. the words 'secret garden' are so inviting to all of us gardeners. We all want one. and the windows! I'm about to have my windows replaced and now I know what to do with some of them. hah hah

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