Male Ruby Throat

Dacula, GA(Zone 7b)

Finally got a picture. I think its a young one.

Thumbnail by beclu727
Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Pretty! You can really see his throat!

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

So that is what everybody is talking about to see a ruby red throated hummingbird. It is just beautiful. Thank you for sharing that with us, Beclu727.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Now haint that just a mitey spiffy lil feller sittin' there!! hee
Great pic !!

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

I have a ruby red throated hummingbird in my garden. He is different from the pic which makes me wonder. He has bright green wings as well as the throat. Is this really a ruby red throated hummer? I live in Zone 8. How do you add that to your profile? Sorry about all the questions. I just came in before the sun was too hot to pull any more weeds and pull off any more dead flowers. It is 11:00 in the morning our time and it is 102 degrees. About the questions, I have millions of them when I am in my garden but I forget them when I get on the computer. Thanks for the moral support. Chuck and Loida

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

What you have is not a Ruby throat. They are not found in Calif.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

The one I saw in Calif would flare a brilliant ruby/red spot at their throat as a sort of challenge to anyone who approached the salvia it considered private property. His. LOL
Was this an Anna?

Neat pic Beclu. Nice background too.

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

hummer nut, Thank you for correcting me. I still don't know what kind of hummer it was. I will take a picture next time I see it. BloomsWithaView, I haven't seen the hummers stay around long enough to see them challenge anyone. Thanks, Chuck and Loida

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 9b)

Yes that/those are Anna's Hummingbirds -- yours too CBernard.

For pics,
click on Anna's in the "MENU" column. More neat things about hummers if you "back up" the website, i.e. click on "home".

To add your zone, click on Preferences (under About You: in the right column) then on Location (in the left column). To find your zone in California,
looks like you are 9a... looks like I should change mine to 10a at least these last few years. These are the hardiness zones that are the most used. In the west, the Sunset zones give a nice refinement and take into account things like the marine influence and the Santa Ana winds, where significant factors. There you are in 18 (I am 23); you can mention that in the "Homepage" part of Preferences.

TT ~'spin!~

White lk, MI(Zone 5a)

What a beauty! They are so special.

Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

CBernard, I would suspect that the hummer you have is either one, a Beryllin, if it is a small hummer, or two, a Magnificent if a large hummer. These are the only hummers in the U.S. that have a green throat. Regardless of which one it might be, it would be considered a rare one for where you live. Both of these are mainly found in southern Arizona, but there have been strays reported in other areas. A couple of years ago, a Magnificent was caught and banded in south Alabama and in the Carolinas. Hope you can get a pic of this one, would help to positively identify it.

Perris, CA(Zone 9a)

Thanks everybody! The links were very helpful. Thanks again! Chuck and Loida

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

hummer_nut ... RE: are the only hummers in the U.S. that have a green throat. Regardless of which one it might be, it would be considered a rare one for where you live ...

Which Hummer species is this, in the pic I've posted here? .. For he definitely has a green throat!! I'd not realized it, until I'd uploaded the pics that I'd taken this morning!!

Is it possible .. that perhaps .. I, too .. here in NW Arkansas .. have had the wonderful RARE privilege of viewing and successfully getting a pic ?!?!?

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ruby Throated hummers .. Pic #2

Such an brilliant irridescent green!!!

Thumbnail by Magpye
NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

Ruby Throated hummers .. Pic #3

mr 'flashy' Ruby Throated !!

Thumbnail by Magpye
Montgomery, AL(Zone 8a)

Magpye, I'm sorry, but all of your pics are of Ruby's. The green coloring that you see in the first pic is caused by the angle of light shinning on it. That really is a good pic, it shows a hummer going thru a molt. The white feathers you see in its head, around its eye and neck or pin feathers being shed. If you really had a rare hummer with a green throat, the throat would be an irridecent(sp) green.

NW Qtr, AR(Zone 6a)

( .. wellllll .. hummer_nut .. you coulda momentarily 'fibbed' to me .. to try to keep me wee wittle spirits up a bit longer !! .. ) .. LOL LOL ..

Naw, most seriously .. I really do appreciate the correct ID !!

I'd just thought it may simply be a 'juvenile' .. (for altho' you've just explained about the appearance of his feathers) - - I was thinkin' the juvey was STILL getting his grown up feathers .. and the green throat was just some more of that 'unfinished' feather bizniss .. or .. a real live rarity in the front yard!! .. Ha! hee hee

It never occured to me, that even our t-nine-c-ist of our fine feathered friends .. actually molted also!! .. hee ..

Cleared the air for me .. Thank you bunches, for a prompt response too!! ..

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