Freezer Burned Fish

hiram, GA(Zone 7b)

I have about 5 pounds of fish in the freezer that has been there way too long. Is there something I can do with it to use it in the garden? I don't mind the smell, just trying to find a way to put it to good use.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

You can compost it, according to legend (which is probably offbase), fish remains were sometimes buried as fertilizer in vegetable gardens prior to planting.

It might make your compost heap pretty attractive to any neighborhood free-range cats, raccoons and possums. But if you have a decent size pile that's just starting to break down, I'd toss the fish as deep in the middle as I could, then pile on a lot of greens and browns, and hope for the best.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Seems like I remember reading that our Native Americans would side-dress their plants with fish. 'Course, you can't always believe what you read.

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

Actually you can bury like half a fish per corn hill and the plants do seem to benefit from it. My dad did it once when the next door neighbor had some 'tired' catfish. [too long since caught.]

Seems to me every cat that crosses my yard would have to check it out, I fence the dogs out. But I know the neighborhood skunk would delight in digging it out. He wiped out my lawn just to get at the grubs.

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