Does anyone grow decorative grasses?


I've just been collecting seed from some of my grasses and wondered if I'm the only one ....alive....who likes them? If anyone else is as enthusiastic as I am would you care to swap a few seeds? Here's a picture of one of my beauties. It's a named variety but I can't remember it at the moment. The stems are a pretty lavender colour and it grows to about a foot in height.

Thumbnail by Terri1948
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

I haven't any at the moment - though there're LOTS of grasses here, most are not in the 'decorative' category LOL.
I do like grasses though, so perhaps once I'm more sorted....

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Terry, I've been trying a few grasses from seed myself. In our zone 3, the selection is rather limited for perennial options. Even Blue Fescue seems to struggle a bit when I try to winter it over. I don't think there are may options for the huge impressive grasses I see posted here on Dave's, and I am envious of them.

As a result, I've been taking a second look at our local grasses... the ones I've been pulling up in the garden! LOL! One in particular is Merton's Sedge (not technically a grass, I guess.) I've collected that and have it for trade, now. I imagine it grows many places, but may still be of interest to someone.
There is also Alaska Cotton here, as well.

Thumbnail by Weezingreens
Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Terri,
I've sown two decorative grasses this year: Festuca glauca and Stipa arundinacea. I'm still a little shy with growing grasses...I still have the idea that I 'll be weeding seedlings for years. At the other hand...other plants give a lot of seedling too. So I'm planning to grow a few more grasses but I have'nt decided yet wich one because the size of my garden is soooo limited. I find decorative grasses give a beautifull display when they have space enough to show their looks.
I 'll post some pics of them soon.

I've removed a bamboo two years ago...woow that was so difficult and such a hard labour for days. I had to use a axe to get rid of it.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

One I can thoroughly recommend (I think it likes it fairly warm and dry), but haven't any now, is Stipa tennuissimma. It does seed itself but is very pretty and the seedlings are not too pigheaded if they start to grow somewhere you'd rather they didn't. I welcomed the seedlings more or less anywhere...

That cotton grass is lovely Weez :)


I agree Saya, you do have to be very selective. I bought a small Pampas grass a few years ago...thought I was being clever to find a beautiful pink one as everyone else's seem to be the natural ones...ever been had?? It grew and grew like Topsy and very soon it outgrew our front garden. We didn't want to dispose of it because it still hadn't flowered then, so we moved it into the back garden. It grew, and grew and...well grew and then 'Presto' it flowered and was spectacular, but it was just enormous and after flowering we had one unearthly job getting it out, and those things are like razors too. Never again!! I'll stick with little tiny ones from now on. You're just so clever knowing the 'proper' names of the grasses saya. I'm afraid I'm lazy and call mine by their common names. I find the Quaking Grass is welcome everywhere because it is so elegant and never (to me at least) looks out of place anywhere. Now let me go and find a picture of my pink Pampas to show you all.


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