So I bought this vine......

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Ampelopsis brevipendunclata. I was hopeing it would be a fast growing vine. No such luck. Elegans evidently does not grow like its cousin. I figured it would not be invasive in this weather but sheesh! It has hardly grown at all and does not seem to climb well on its own. Anyone in a zone near mine grow this? All advice gratefully accepted.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Zone 5, not 10............

Mine went nuts this year. It has made its way through my Jackmanii clematis and is running all over the ground now. I keep picking up the runners and tossing them over the trellis, but then there are more. LOL! Mind didn't grow fast the first year. The second year was a little better and like all perennials, the third year, it went crazy. Hang in there. It will grow faster every year. I hope it isn't one of those plants that needs a cool period.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Whelp then, there is hope. If it needs cold, I guess i will have to go out with a tray of cubes every night lol.

Deep South Coastal, TX(Zone 10a)

Zone 10 here too, not growing nearly as fast as it did for me in TN zone 7.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Rumor has it that it is a well behaved vine here. It does not grab on by itself which is not earning it any prized with me. I am tired of having to either keep throwing it where I want it or tying. For all that it has beautiful foliage, I am not sure it is a keeper.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

The little berries are so pretty though. I'm thinking about moving mine someplace where it can't get mixed up with other vines.

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