Northern Marsh Orchids on Coatham Marsh

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Lovely orchids! This marsh area attracts a varied wildlife.

Thumbnail by Northerner
Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)

Wow, what a beautiful plant!!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

It certainly is! There were dozens of them. This marshland is mostly wasteland - it's not being used for anything. So it's a nature reserve now I think. Recently a new broadwalk has been put down, which is great!!! I was a bit worried about wandering about a marsh on my own. But it's completely safe provided you keep to one of the paths.

It's very near an industrial site. The waste from the industry, slag mainly, has given the soil a limestone environment, so an unnusual range of plants grow here. I have some more photos relating to the marshland in the European Forum, if you'd like to look there. Lots of waterfowl. I'll probably add more photos but the computer I'm using this evening doesn't have a digital imaging software. Anyway, the post I'm in has over a couple of dozen posts so you'll find it without any trouble.

Raleigh, NC(Zone 8b)

That orchid favors our Purple fringed orchid here in the states. Very nice looking plant! Thanks for sharing the photo.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you Plantsman. I think there are several orchids which look quite similar to this. A good model!!!

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

That is really one beautiful flower. Hope its not endangered! I wish we had plants like that here.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I think it's reasonably safe. Don't think it would be described as plentiful though as its habitat is in fairly short supply.

Amazingly these orchids were only a few hundred yards from a busy main road. I could watch the double-decker buses and thier passengers jolting along their busy ways unaware of the flowers not far from the side of the road.

This nature reserve has recently benfitted by a brand-new boardwalk through it. Much safer and more accessible to visitors! There were butterflies here too!

Walking through here I felt like I was the "Girl of the Limberlost"!

Wauconda, IL

Thank you, Northerner! Gorgeous photo!

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm glad you like it!!!

Cleveland, OH

Looks to be one of the Dactilorhiza species, and they do like limy soil. I visited a number of local populations of native orchids this season, unfortunately the weather was so dark and rainy I was unable to take any decent photos...Perhaps next year.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Oooh one of my favourites! I love their rich colour, thanks for posting this Diane - I missed it til now...
Georgeous photo!

Yes, it's Dactylorhiza purpurella, bogman :)

Moab, UT(Zone 6b)

That's a beautiful little orchid and it pleases me to know someone else who has read Girl of the Limberlost. :>)) ~Blooms

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Oops! Only just noticed these replies!!! Sorry folks!

Yes, I just loved "Girl of the Limberlost". I found several more of Gene Stratton-Porter's books earlier this year in a second-hand shop - I came home staggering under the weight of them. Gene Stratton-Porter had such a fascinating life.

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Just gorgeous! Really an orchid that can compete with the beauty of the tropical orchids.

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Thank you CaptMicha. I’m missing the flowers now that winter has almost come upon is. I love my expeditions out in the countryside. Coatham Marsh is accessible all the year round, thankfully. It’s on an estuary - near to the sea. Lots of winter migrants (birds). I should try and make a winter trip there - if there’s a fine day. Yesterday was fine - I went for a walk along Bluebell Beck. Lots of birdlife feasting on seedheads - most of the flowers were finished though.

Greensburg, IN(Zone 6a)

that is a lovely Plant, does it have seeds, maybe you could slip a few over, I was born in Suffolk, maybe I should make a trip home :)

Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

I'm not sure how legal it would be to collect seeds from an orchid and post them abroad. I suspect it would be frowned upon. There may be commercial suppliers who would send you seeds legally though. It's way past the seed collection time for this plant now, anyway - the plant will have died back now till next year.

All orchids are virtually impossible from seed, even terrestrials are often flasked and micropropagated. Dactylorhiza has some great hybrids which are easier to grow than the species and can be obtined for a price as grown plants/tubers from a number of places.

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