
Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

i feel really stupid, having to ask this and all
but i'm at a friend's house right now, in indiana... zone 6, i think
and i brought some of my seeds with me (poppies, mostly.. and a few kitchen herbs) because he asked me to plant some stuff in his very barren yard to make it look semi pretty
(the only things growing here are weeds, some morning glories that his room-mate planted.. and some rose of sharons that are growing against his neighbor's fence)
i'm wondering if it's too late in the season to plant some poppy seeds?
and if not, what is the best method of doing so.. so they.. well.. ..you know.. grow?
i've got ZERO poppy growing experience, since i'm from south louisiana.. and well.. it's not exactly ideal poppy growing climate (or so i've been told) and i've never had them grow

i feel really stupid now


Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

Poppies here in the midwest should be sown out in late winter early spring for best germination.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

i figured as much...
*ponders putting them in pots... *
wait.. that's for the midwest...
i'm not in the midwest ...
well, i dont suppose it'll hurt anything to just plant them, and hope they grow, eh?
i just wont plant them all.. so if i dont have a good success rate, he can replant next season .. when it's optimal time for planting this sort of thing, right?
poppies are sun lovers, right?

Milo, IA(Zone 5a)

They are sun lovers, but the heat fries them to death. In the south, you can sow them in the fall. They like cool temps to germinate and to start their growth.
I have started some in early summer, you have to keep them watered well.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

thanks :)

Spokane, WA(Zone 5b)

I started some of mine in early summer and they are starting to bloom now. I think what helped is I put them in a spot that gets partial sun, so they don't fry.

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