Can I plant these together?

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

I have some 'Sensation' lilacs that I'd like to plant but I also have a 'President Lincoln Blue' lilac that I need to plant. Can I plant them together?

My question is, if I plant them together, will they kind of ?intermingle? and my plants won't have the distinct different flowers that I bought them for? Or does this only happen in new seedlings that were cross pollinated from the parent plants?

Any insite would be great, thanks!

Minneapolis, MN(Zone 5a)

That would only happen to any seedlings; the flower color of your plants will not change simply because you planted the two shrubs near each other.

If you want to make sure that the shrubs flower so their flower display is distinct, then you will need to plant them far enough apart so that they don't grow into one another (though, it might be kind of nice if they do). You will need to do some searching on the web to see how large these two selections become with time and then plant accordingly.
Good luck,

Brookeville, MD(Zone 7a)

Thanks! I can always keep them pruned. But they grow on last year's wood, right? So do I prune after they flower or in the spring or what?

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Prune right after they flower...this promotes better and more blooms come Spring.....never prune in early spring as you will be pruning off your bloom buds.

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