Secret cactus and succulent Trade

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Has there ever been a secret trade for cactus and succulents? If not is there any interest in doing one?
I will volunter to organize one if there is enough interest.

THIS IS A GO!!!!!!!


OKAY, we need a few more just to make it more interesting. We have enough less one for even trade. I may have to pull a double if we don't get more but that is not a problem.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2004 2:11 PM

This message was edited Jul 13, 2004 1:41 PM

Yazoo City, MS(Zone 7b)

Hi Jan! I'm game! Please put me on the list! And thanks for suggesting this!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Jan, me too. Put me on the list


Western, WI(Zone 4a)

What type of cactus are you talking of? outside or inside plants.
If inside, I would be interested in the orchid cactus.


Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

sign me up. I would have a few things.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

We are still testing the waters to see if there is going to be enough interest yet. Where you put the plants is up to you depending on location, location, location. heheh.
I would put a max on the amount so that it doesn't cost you more then $7.50-8.00 to ship.

Okay, You all keep signning up and if we get at least 9-11 signups we'll do it. I will be the last making it an even number for exchanges.

You could send several small starts or one larger one so long as you didn't go over the max for shipping costs.

Keep the sign-ups coming.

When this is a go I will outline minimums and maximums more in depth.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2004 8:02 AM

Kermit, TX(Zone 7b)

count me in! sounds like fun!

TUCSON, AZ(Zone 9a)

Please count me in. I have never traded before. But hey there is always a first!!! Do you need my address or/and my home address??? mary :)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Not yet Binky1972.
Soon as we get at least 9 sign ups I will ask for everyones addy.
Yes I think this will be fun.
Unusual name, Binky1972. My daughter was born in 1971 and called her passifier Binky.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

I'm in if I can request only succulents - its now rained every single day for about two months and I dont' think cactus would make it! I have some cactus I got as a gift and they would I'm sure like a new home! If that's too complicated its ok just let me know :)

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay, You can send me your want and want nots when we get going. I myself don't do cactus either. Unless they are thornless.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Ok then I'm it!

Atascadero, CA(Zone 8a)

Hi to you adventurers...I'm game to try it (never did a trade group before)...would love to get some different things to add to my collection. Janet

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Hey, I think this is going to go. We only need one more but will take as many as we can.

Shut off date will be JULY 16th. i will then draw names and send them out to you on the 19th.

You can start emailing me your addresses. Be sure to include your DG name. Also your preference, either cactus or succulents.

In the subject line write (Secret Cacti/Succulent trade) so I don't delete you.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2004 12:32 PM

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I'm in ! Succulents only unless small houseplant size cactus. Lou

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Jan, you have email, and also, are sedums succulents too? I am really looking forward to this one, I have so much to offer.

Where's Norma????

We need to call her in.


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I think she has problably read the thread but hasn't decided to join us yet. Maybe you could bring it to her attention just incase she missed it. I think that sedums are succulents but Norma would be the one to ask about that.
I got your email and thanks.

Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Maybe Norma already HAS everything!!! ;-)))

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

A very good reason to include her don't ya think. LOL Just teasing Norma.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I did email her. I think it would be great fun to have her with us. Anyone who draws Norma will have the biggest challenge of finding things unusual to her.


Valley Village, CA

Okay this would be fun, let me in as well, Molly, thank you my dear. Okay , I want to give you all a challenge, each of you can send me a surprise. LOL I'll give the best one a surprise, send me things, that you need the names of. I don't know them all, and John my boss will be a good sport, I think and tell me the names. LOL

One of you put on a picture of a cactus in flower, that is what I would like. I don't collect cactus, but do have some of Bob Shicks hybrids, so will have them to trade.

Guess what I'm growing, a variegated
'String of pearls' I have three tiny ones started, I got the start from the Huntington Gardens. I going to be gone for 10 days from July 13 to about July 22 so if you didn't see me I didn't drop of the world, because it is round and not square. I'm going to Oregon and yes, I'm hunting for plants. Remember I like Hoya, this you know that Daves Garden now has a Hoya forum that I started? They are all nice people.

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

You wouldn't happen to be going to Estacada would you. Squaw Mountains gardens is there. I'll send a blank check and you can pick me up lots of goodies. LOL Have a great time. I moved from Newport, Oregon to Tombstone, AZ. Talk about a change of climate and elements. Well, we don't have much of any elements to speak of here. I do miss the green and the smell of the ocean though.
I'm not sure I understand, are you in on our secret trade or are you doing something on your own? Sorry, I just didn't quite understand what you were talking about. Another one of my not quite senior moments. Lol
Let me know if you want to do this, Okay?

Valley Village, CA

Im teasing all of you, Sure I would like a plant delivered to my door every day, so I can send out a box every day. I don't have everything yet. I have so many interests, no one can have that many, I don't have everything. There are 500 Sedum, I have only 100. Looking for more.

Jan yes please count me in. I just think it is fun. I have a nice vine from a trade going up my greenhouse wall, don't know what it is yet, it hasn't honored me with a flower. I will only send out a 1lb package. I can get enough Sedum, Crassula, etc, about 15 in there, all different. I do need it that person wants shade or sun plants, amall growing or big growing, cold hardy plants I don't grow, but down to 30F I do. I would hate to send anyone the wrong plants.

Thanks for having me, Norma

Valley Village, CA

Is it okay if I don't send anything out with roots or soil? I don't want anyone disappointed. I'm from Calif. so I afraid to send soil. My soil/mix is all artificial and the plants are not large, not bigger than in a 4" pot. My big ones would weigh far too much, like 3,000 lbs. it wouldn't even fit into a box LOL Mine are all miniature, that is why I can fit so many in my garden, would that be okay? My
'silver dollar' Crassula would take up an whole box, and cost big $$$$$$$ to send. I rather send more species, than that.
I'm getting nervous about this, can you tell? LOL Norma

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm interested also.. I have quite a few cactus and succulents, but all are not named..Most would be cuttings or new growth babies, all easy to root..


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Okay you two. This is suppose to be fun not stressfull. As I mentioned in the post We will limit our sendings to no more then $8.00 postage. That kind of gives you an idea how much or how little you send. You can either send alot of little starts or one big guy just don't go over the $8.00 limit in postage. That is unless you want to. I have no control over anyones wants and needs. Heheh.
Named, unnamed, we can figure out what they are later. Hey that sound like another event. Figuring out what we got!
Oh, come on and just email me your addys and we can work out the details later. Just have fun.
Norma, remember Squaw Mountain!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Geeze JAn, I remembered Squaw Mountain, just went there and did dat.

Ohhhh I gotta quit doing dat.


Valley Village, CA

How much can I run my husband around? I'm getting ready to place an order at Squaw Mt. hint, hint, hint, what is there at Squaw Mt that any one would want? LOL

He sure has a collection, I am anxiious to see his place, I don't think we are going there. I don't know if he accept visitors. Molly don't keep secrets, tell me about the place, I sure have received beautiful plants from them in the past. Did you call him first? Where is it located and is it easy to find. Norma

San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

I received several from them. I posted it in the thread 'New Sedum Topic' that told us about the place. Great packing job, great plants. Would love to see the place first hand.

This message was edited Jul 11, 2004 8:53 PM

Scottville, MI(Zone 4b)

Gosh... this sounds like fun, but I'm going to be GONE from July 19-Aug 10, and I'm not so good with inside plants, so I better pass on this one. But I just bought a patch of sedum hispanicum... we'll see if it will be hardy enough for my hill. Thanks for asking though... try me next time!

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Good Morning All, Norma I didn't actually go to Squaw Mountain, sorry, that is way across the country for me. But I ordered from them last week, and again last night.

The plants they sent were lovely and very nicely packaged. I did have cause to speak with him on the telephone and he seemed very nice.

Last night I ordered in doubles so I will have some plants I can share.

HAve a good day all.


Birmingham, AL(Zone 8a)

Gosh evertime I go the Squaw Mountain website I get so overwhelmed by the number of items I just whimper and leave! Can't ever work up the gumption to actually order anything! I'm getting intimidated with Norma and some of the rest of you on this...hope whoever gets me isn't too disappointed! I can promise you you won't get a single rare or unusual succulent from me. Just a few nice regu'lar 'ole ones...

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

Count me in but I want cactus only please. I have unnamed cactus so if they have to have names you can let me know.

Western, WI(Zone 4a)

I wish only the orchid cactus [house plant] and am wondering what I can send in return. I only have Christmas cactus's and imagine I could take cuttings from them.

Name and address follows: Dave's garden name is my first name also.

Maxine Seyffer
N4878-Cty. Rd. N
Arkansaw, Wisc. 54721

I WILL BE SENDING PRIORITY MAIL as its so hot here now am wondering if the plants will travel well and arrive in good condition?

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)


They should be fine as long as you package them for the heat. See this thread for tips: Well gee whiz, Norma had a great thread going about packing succulents. Where is it? Anyone know?

I do know that you do not want to wet the roots and do not wrap in wet paper towels. They travel much better dry. Squaw Mountain Gardens just sent me some plants and they put them in little paper bags. They were great.


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I found the thread on packing succulent plants. Here ya go:

This message was edited Jul 12, 2004 5:51 PM

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Anyone have the Squaw Mountain site address? Thanks..


San Antonio, TX(Zone 8a)

Here ya go Larkie. Have fun and don't spend too much. Heheh

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

tyvm....I won't promise not to spend too much, lol..


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I would never allow anyone to push me into making that kind of a promise. I spent ooooooo a few dollars there last night.

I hope to get them on Thursday if he gets them shipped when I asked. 20 plants. Then last week I won 23 on Ebay from my favorite seller. They should be here on Thursday too.

Know what I'm doing on Thursday??????? (LOL)


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